Odd auto insurance experience


Wow, around here we insure and de-insure vehicles all the time. The whole winter car/summer car ordeal.

To be honest, I can see your insurer's concern. You did critical mechanical work yourself (you're not a licensed mechanic, I assume), they want to make sure they're not insuring a crappy vehicle.
Can't really blame her for being thourough ... or not getting the whole Land Cruiser vibe. some people were just not born to get it. :D

I'd make sure they're not that anal in case of a claim. It would suck to crah and hear them go "well, you did unverified mechanical work, GFY kthxby"


Funny thread. I've dealt with the same agent for the last 17 years at ALLSTATE and have never had any issue with them at all. I can call and the receptionist recognizes my name and asked me specifics about my family members. My agent talks cruisers even though he has never owned one. My 40 has been off the road and insurance and every time I talk my agent he asks when I'm going to throw it back on and says to just give him a call. I've pulled my ford truck off for 6 months and then after 6 months reinsured, pulled it off again...no problem.

It sounds like several people here need to have better relationships with your agents. I would get to know your Doctor and your insurance agent, it can save you a lot of money and hassle in the long run.


. The snorkel had to go with the truck... :( Definetly get stated value or a real clear policy that will cover mods etc otherwise you end up with $6000 for a car that books at $6000 that is worth $12,000.

Andre, you should have said he was going to lose the snorkel. We could have come up with a white fender for that 80!

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