Ohio hidden compartment law

Team Wild

Hey all.

As overlanders we look for clever ways to store stuff in our vehicles. If we do it because space is at a premium or to keep valubles hidden to deter theft we should know this about Ohio. Looks like Ohio passed a "hidden compartment law. It is illegal to have a hide in your car. Its a felony! No matter what you think of the law (I think its an abuse of power and loss of freedom) you may want to be careful modifiing your vehicle in Ohio or even traveling thru.

Heres a link to the article I read.


Middle Income Semi-Redneck
“Without the hidden compartment law, we would not have had any charges on the suspect,” Lt. Michael Combs, of the State Highway Patrol, said.

The guy was guilty, just had to backfill a reason. Bonus that it was a felony instead of a measly traffic infraction. Next up, getting pre-ticketed because your car might exceed the speed limit.


SE Expedition Society
For the record here are my 2 "hidden" compartments...:wings:



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If you take out the subwoofer on the passenger side of the FJCruiser and put in the plastic replacement piece, there is a huge hole that can be used to store anything. Heck, even where the jack is located you can put something there. This is out and out crazy talk I say

sub hole.jpg


Expedition Leader
Its states non factory store I believe. But still crazy none the less, Ill have to label all my storage spots!


You need some engraved plastic plates that say "Secret Compartment."

Maybe that would make a good legal defense? Purposely identifying the compartment so as to null the argument that you were hiding anything :elkgrin:


Thats pretty lame. I have a special hides-hole spot that's big enough for my 30-30, that is getting a locking steel door. That's to combat CA law about carrying arms. Guess I will make a sticker for it if I ever drive through Ohio...

Brought to you by Cyberdyne Systems


New member
Never been to Ohio, probably never will. Dumb law that I'm guessing won't hold up if it's seriously challenged.


New member
The law in question has this little tidbit that the 'media' is ignoring.

(I) This section does not apply to a box, safe, container, or other item added to a vehicle for the purpose of securing valuables, electronics, or firearms provided that at the time of discovery the box, safe, container, or other item added to the vehicle does not contain a controlled substance or visible residue of a controlled substance.


SAR guy
California has one of these laws too. At least the wording implies that you have to intend to transport drugs with it:


(a) Every person who possesses, uses, or controls a false compartment with the intent to store, conceal, smuggle, or transport a controlled substance within the false compartment shall be punished by imprisonment in a county jail for a term of imprisonment not to exceed one year or in the state prison.

(b) Every person who designs, constructs, builds, alters, or fabricates a false compartment for, or installs or attaches a false compartment to, a vehicle with the intent to store, conceal, smuggle, or transport a controlled substance shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison for 16 months or two or three years.

(c) The term "vehicle" means any of the following vehicles without regard to whether the vehicles are private or commercial, including, but not limited to, cars, trucks, buses, aircraft, boats, ships, yachts, and vessels.

(d) The term "false compartment" means any box, container, space, or enclosure that is intended for use or designed for use to conceal, hide, or otherwise prevent discovery of any controlled substance within or attached to a vehicle, including, but not limited to, any of the following:

(1) False, altered, or modified fuel tanks.

(2) Original factory equipment of a vehicle that is modified, altered, or changed.

(3) Compartment, space, or box that is added to, or fabricated, made, or created from, existing compartments, spaces, or boxes within a vehicle.

- See more at: http://codes.lp.findlaw.com/cacode/HSC/1/d10/6/4/s11366.8#sthash.ZnKI2aYn.dpuf


Thats pretty lame. I have a special hides-hole spot that's big enough for my 30-30, that is getting a locking steel door. That's to combat CA law about carrying arms. Guess I will make a sticker for it if I ever drive through Ohio...

Brought to you by Cyberdyne Systems


Here is the bill. It is for drugs or trafficking only. Everything else is fine. I have the under seat safe and added Nano safe to the TJ (when I had it), specifically for wallet and handgun. It is legal in Ohio to transport in the glove box or center console provided you have a CCW.


To enact section 2923.241 of the Revised Code to prohibit designing, building, constructing, fabricating, modifying, or altering a vehicle to create or add a hidden compartment with the intent to facilitate the unlawful concealment or transportation of a controlled substance, prohibit operating, possessing, or using a vehicle with a hidden compartment with knowledge that the hidden compartment is used or intended to be used to facilitate the unlawful concealment or transportation of a controlled substance, and prohibit a person who has committed a first or second degree felony violation of aggravated trafficking in drugs from operating, possessing, or using a vehicle with a hidden compartment.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio:

SECTION 1. That section 2923.241 of the Revised Code be enacted to read as follows:

Sec. 2923.241. (A) As used in this section:

(1) "Controlled substance" has the same meaning as in section 3719.01 of the Revised Code.

(2) "Hidden compartment" means a container, space, or enclosure that conceals, hides, or otherwise prevents the discovery of the contents of the container, space, or enclosure. "Hidden compartment" includes, but is not limited to, any of the following:

(a) False, altered, or modified fuel tanks;

(b) Any original factory equipment on a vehicle that has been modified to conceal, hide, or prevent the discovery of the modified equipment's contents;

(c) Any compartment, space, box, or other closed container that is added or attached to existing compartments, spaces, boxes, or closed containers integrated or attached to a vehicle.

(3) "Vehicle" has the same meaning as in section 4511.01 of the Revised Code and includes, but is not limited to, a motor vehicle, commercial tractor, trailer, noncommercial trailer, semitrailer, mobile home, recreational vehicle, or motor home.

(4) "Motor vehicle," "commercial trailer," "trailer," "noncommercial trailer," "semitrailer," "mobile home," "manufacturer," "recreational vehicle," and "motor home" have the same meanings as in section 4501.01 of the Revised Code.

(5) "Motor vehicle dealer" has the same meaning as in section 4517.01 of the Revised Code.

(B) No person shall knowingly design, build, construct, or fabricate a vehicle with a hidden compartment, or modify or alter any portion of a vehicle in order to create or add a hidden compartment, with the intent to facilitate the unlawful concealment or transportation of a controlled substance.

(C) No person shall knowingly operate, possess, or use a vehicle with a hidden compartment with knowledge that the hidden compartment is used or intended to be used to facilitate the unlawful concealment or transportation of a controlled substance.

(D) No person who has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to a violation of aggravated trafficking in drugs under section 2925.03 of the Revised Code that is a felony of the first or second degree shall operate, possess, or use a vehicle with a hidden compartment.

(E) Whoever violates division (B) of this section is guilty of designing a vehicle with a hidden compartment used to transport a controlled substance. Except as otherwise provided in this division, designing a vehicle with a hidden compartment used to transport a controlled substance is a felony of the fourth degree. If the offender previously has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to a violation of division (B) of this section, designing a vehicle with a hidden compartment used to transport a controlled substance is a felony of the third degree.

(F) Whoever violates division (C) or (D) of this section is guilty of operating a vehicle with a hidden compartment used to transport a controlled substance. Except as otherwise provided in this division, operating a vehicle with a hidden compartment used to transport a controlled substance is a felony of the fourth degree. Except as otherwise provided in this division, if the offender previously has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to a violation of division (C) or (D) of this section, operating a vehicle with a hidden compartment used to transport a controlled substance is a felony of the third degree. If the hidden compartment contains a controlled substance at the time of the offense, operating a vehicle with a hidden compartment used to transport a controlled substance is a felony of the second degree.

(G) This section does not apply to any law enforcement officer acting in the performance of the law enforcement officer's duties.

(H)(1) This section does not apply to any licensed motor vehicle dealer or motor vehicle manufacturer that in the ordinary course of business repairs, purchases, receives in trade, leases, or sells a motor vehicle.

(2) This section does not impose a duty on a licensed motor vehicle dealer to know, discover, report, repair, or disclose the existence of a hidden compartment to any person.

(I) This section does not apply to a box, safe, container, or other item added to a vehicle for the purpose of securing valuables, electronics, or firearms provided that at the time of discovery the box, safe, container, or other item added to the vehicle does not contain a controlled substance or visible residue of a controlled substance.


The Jeep Commander has a built in hidden compartment under the center passenger seat. Flip it up and the floor pops open. I actually just found it last weekend. Have owned the Jeep for 3 years. LOL. Now that is hidden and it is a free add on.

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