Olympus: Expeditions West makes the jump


Expedition Leader
X2 on checking out the Strobist if you are not familiar with that blog.

I'm not sure what you and Jeremy cooked up for the Tuffy console, but I just used a standard Domke insert in the center console on the Suburban. I think I had one body, for or five lenses and a flash or two. Worked great and the Domke insert kept it safe.

I know several people moving to the E420 along with a 4x5 for general field work.


ExPo Original
I'm anxiously waiting to see some of the more concentrated results from the Central America trip shot with Olympus gear. I've been shooting with an Olympus for years and it has been a really fun camera to use.

Last winter, I slipped on some ice and flung my camera bag up in the air as I fell. I was devastated to find the top of the camera body had a big dent and the bottom of the housing had a crack in it. But the camera still works like the day I bought it. Tough little units.



New member
Congratulations! I picked up an Oly E-520 and a 12-60mm last September. My other cameras are a 4x5 and a Canon G9. I think the E-520 is an excellent camera for the weight and the 12-60 lens puts canons and nikons similar lenses to shame. The reason I went for it was the 4/3 aspect ratio and the wider angle on the lens. Neither Nikon or Canon make an equivalently good lens with this focal range for the crop cameras. Pathetic. Enjoy your camera.


Looking forward to seeing the results!

I shot film for years with an Oly OM-2 and was not disappointed when I switched over to my E500.





Scott, now that you have had some time with the Olympus gear, how do you feel about it?

I interested as well.

I have been shooting Olympus for a few years and love them for many reasons. I have not been happy with the FPS, the noise issues at high ISO and the focusing issues in very low light.

I would like to know how you feel about the E-3, 50MM 2.0, and the 12-60mm specifically. I am looking to upgrade either to the E-3 or new E620.

I have the 7-14mm which is a very fun lens. :victory:

Scott Brady

I will try to post a complete review soon. As a summary, the cameras have done exactly what I had hoped it would, which is to get robust construction and sealing in a smaller form-factor. I am even looking at getting one more body (E-450) and the 28mm pancake lens for ultra-compact moto adventures and for Jeremy to use at the shop.

We are going to start transitioning all of the Canon gear soon.


I will try to post a complete review soon. As a summary, the cameras have done exactly what I had hoped it would, which is to get robust construction and sealing in a smaller form-factor. I am even looking at getting one more body (E-450) and the 28mm pancake lens for ultra-compact moto adventures and for Jeremy to use at the shop.

We are going to start transitioning all of the Canon gear soon.


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