Open bed sleeping platform concept


So I've had this idea for a bit. I routinely carry tall items and dirt bikes in the bed, but like the added storage of a sleeping platform while traveling. I was thinking I could make a platform that I can raise up when the bikes are in the garage, and lower to the bed-floor when I'm taking them with me. I decided on expanded metal because it weighs just about as much as ply/OSB, but will hold up to any weather. I suspended it from the bed posts by river cam straps that can be tightened or loosened easily. Each cam buckle can take a load of about 300 pounds. What do you guys think? Any ideas?






Middle Income Semi-Redneck
A buddy of mine used to hang a hammock on his truck's ladder rack, nothing wrong with your solution! It might be slick if you make it hinged so that you could tip it up to get out stuff out from under it.


Old fashioned beds used a wire springboard just like that.

So, if your wire mesh was about 6" too small all the way around, and attached to your frame with springs, you'd have about the same thing, right?

Or, just attach your frame to your bed with big springs.

Willy G

I keep a hammock in my samurai, tie to samurai and tree, back up to desired height, and sleep comfortly :sombrero:

But it still is a great idea


I would probably be a little concerned about pulling the bed's walls in towards each other with two people on the platform. Off the top of my head, I'd say a 300lb weight on top would pull nearly 600lbs inward on the walls. I'd add some supports to the platform.


I would probably be a little concerned about pulling the bed's walls in towards each other with two people on the platform. Off the top of my head, I'd say a 300lb weight on top would pull nearly 600lbs inward on the walls. I'd add some supports to the platform.

I agree, but it might not affect it with the tailgate closed. And as narrow as it is and being a shortbed, I'd imagine it's just you on it, nobody else...sleeping at an angle if you're anything near or over 6' tall. I think it's a good concept. Of course you could just put some legs on it... You could weld some short 1" sections of round or square tubing to the corners like pockets, then insert smaller OD tubing legs into the pockets and it will keep the weight on the floor and can easily be taken apart and stored when not in use. Making the legs foldable or removable keep the whole platform flat for transport. But if it works fine for you, then keep on truckin!

Ford Prefect

Expedition Leader
Yes I was thinking that perhaps a simple "L" bracket on each corner, bolted on, to make it hinge up and out of the way when in the down position, and pointing down for legs when sleeping. It would not cost you much in materials, time, or weight so it may be worth looking into.

Another question I have, or, perhaps rather the word "comment" would fit better, would be the concern about a muddy bike. IE if the bike goes in muddy you end up with a dirty sleep platform the following day. You may want to use a piece of wood to cover the bed while the bike is in there, and just take it off when you raise the bed.

Ok yeah last thought. I guess I just have to ask "Why?" I mean why not just sleep in the bed of the truck? If you are thinking about storage under the expanded metal bed then you have to take all that stuff off of it to raise it up, and then put it right back under, just to reverse it all later. I do not know, but sleeping on the bed of the truck seems the simple thing to me. (forgive me if this is cutting or biting, it is not my intention.

If you like it, then go for it, I am just positing my thoughts is all.



Wow, I'm sorry, I forgot about this thread. Long story short, I didn't like the platform. I do, however, like the Softopper.

I appreciate the fact that I can fold it down very fast, or just remove it by myself. It keeps the snow out and off of my stuff. Looks good, etc. A bit hard to clean, though.

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