Past Montero owner trying to own one again, a few questions


Old Monty fan
First off, you have no idea how happy I am I stumbled across this site. I used to own a 95 SR and it's still my favorite vehicle of the many I have owned. I regret selling it every day.
I'm pumped as all get out to see all these other owners, and all this great information I didn't have back then.

I'm trying to find another Gen II SR to go back into my stable. It will be for fun, so I'll have time to build one out right.

A quick question about paint and interior.

1) Any of you had yours repainted? The few I can find down here look like they've lived very rough lives. I want to keep the original colors, but the SR's lower cladding is plastic, so I was wondering how that did with stripping and repainting.

2) Interiors, as many of you know the seats show some serious abuse after time. I'd want to get some recovered. Have any of you done this? Any issues?

I'm actively looking for another Gen II SR so I'm just planning things out. I will have one again.


Expedition Leader
You aren't James Webb aka JW from 4x4wire are you? I used to know a guy from Nashville who owned a gen II SR (don't recall if it was a 95). Even went wheeling with him (was it in AZ?) before.
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Expedition Leader
Long shot but you'd be surprised how often coincidences like that have happened.

As for your questions...
1) I haven't painted mine but others I know have. You can have it professionally painted. For the plastic parts you need to add a modifier to the paint to make it more flexible.
2) I've been looking into having my seats re-upholstered as well but cost in my area has been a driving factor to not do them yet. For the price, i'd rather buy new seats from Corbeau and use them instead.


Old Monty fan
Yeah, you never know. I appreciate the info. Hopefully I'll have another Gen 2/2.5 in my shop this spring, then you won't be able to shut me up. :D

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