Plug-In Hybrid as expedition vehicle


New member
Any experience on using a plug-in hybrid as expedition vehicle? Can on benefit from the car's inherent energy storing capacity and forego dual-battery set-up or is the electric motor (and perhaps limited fuel capacity) only a hindrance for expedition travel?


That could certainly be interesting. You might be further exploiting the graciousness of your hosts by taking electricity at each stop, but it could be quite an adventure.

I drive a non-plug-in hybrid (2nd-gen Prius) that is certainly a joy to ramble around with.

Using the on-board electrical storage for other uses may be doable. I was recently looking at some plug-out systems that connect to the high-voltage pack (with professional installation) and provide household current for emergency backup. Maybe one of these or something similar could be used to be able to draw from the system. Otherwise, it's a little tricky to connect directly--there isn't much you can do with approx 200V DC, and you need to bypass the relay that opens when the vehicle is powered down.

It's also best to leave the system in "ready" mode when drawing from it. Charge level in the high voltage pack is very carefully regulated in order to maximize life. For example, the Prius keeps the state of charge between 40% and 80% at all times. Drawing from the pack with the system off could take it outside of its working range and cause damage, and/or strand you.

I'm interested in seeing if you go for it. There are certainly some interesting alternative-fuel expeditions (bio-fuel on the go, etc).


Free Candy
you also have to remember, there was the 4 wheel motor jeep wrangler concept. All electric plug in, one motor on each wheel. Can you imagine the programming possibilities of wheel independent motor controllers? The practice is awesome, execution, not so much

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