Post favorite pics of your rig and trailer


I do:

I have a more complete thread on the various Isuzu sites. I LOVE some of these other trailers, but there is me, my wife, 2 kids and our cattle dog. There is no way we could make it one of those tiny trailers. Our trailer does double duty as utility trailer for hardware store runs and junkyard runs. Serves as our rock crawling car camping trailer (has a cutout for an AC unit, microwave etc..) But it is also the perfect bugout/prepper trailer. All of our gear is in rolling tubs, inventoried and labeled and setup for loading all the time. I realize this trailer is too wide for some of the trails I wheel, but it would definitely go most places I would head for EOTWAWKI. And at a price of under 4000 bucks all said and done, electric brakes, solar power etc...I am pleased with the project. We are moving form Hampton Roads, VA to Seattle, WA area in a month or so, and this little trailer will be hauling a few thousand pounds of household items.
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New member
Holy ChemTrails Batman!

Holy Crow those ChemTrails are low and all over the sky!



Crossed the border up north and into Canada for 4 days of primitive camping/exploration with wife, 18 month old, and dog.


I will be ordering an spring over kit next week. Then looking for new wheels and tires.

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Rollin' along
Just bought this one, 4 nights in it so far and loving it. Needs a few adjustments but a heck of a platform to start with.


Is this type of trailer approved for camping in areas w/ bear tent restrictions? I'm guessing it does since it's hardsided but wasn't sure. I like the idea but in comparison to a tent trailer w/ slide out beds you do lose a lot of space. If it allows you in those restricted areas maybe a good trade off.


I would assume so. I think there are a lot more advantages to this style than that. I don't have wet canvas to pack up, I don't have to unhook the trailer to pop it up, I don't have to heat big, poorly insulated areas in the winter etc.

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