Samurai Motorhome Build Thread


Pretty close to what I have in mind with my Amigo. I have already harvested a second passenger seat and ripped everything off of it do the frame. My plan is a stuff platform to hold stuff (cell phones, guns, cameras, maps, etc.)while traveling in the wasteland ala Road Warrior's Interceptor dog seat, kinda-ish. The sleeping platform would be placed over the stuff platform and roll out the sleeping kit. Traveling alone has it's ups and downs...down side is lack of security from zombies while you slumber in the No-Zone.
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Expedition Leader
nice solution on a maxi - fun scale.

i'm always interested which way the pillow goes. i would have the "head of the bed" at the dashboard.

should this be a poll?

Q: which way do you sleep?

and Why?


Expedition Leader
I would have the "head of the bed" at the dashboard.

Maybe, but maybe not. ;) The width available at the front end is about 27 inches, whereas you have 48 inches in the rear area. And it's much more open in the back, whereas your head would be surrounded by things if it was up by the dash. (I can hear my sainted mother saying, "You'll roll over and poke your eye out on the shift knob.")


head direction

nice solution on a maxi - fun scale.

i'm always interested which way the pillow goes. i would have the "head of the bed" at the dashboard.

should this be a poll?

Q: which way do you sleep?

and Why?

Feet at the dash. You can slide into the driver seat easier should you need to drive away from the zombies. If you need to access stuff (pillows, snacks, Glocks, etc.), you have more room to move around.


Expedition Leader
nice solution on a maxi - fun scale.

i'm always interested which way the pillow goes. i would have the "head of the bed" at the dashboard.

should this be a poll?

Q: which way do you sleep?

and Why?

Depends on how you are parked, if you sleep with your feet higher than your head, it will strane your heart and you could die:) In my van, I try to sleep with my head toward the hatch. I try and find a slight grade and back up it.

I dig the platform BTW


Well-known member
Nice work and it works!

I did a very similar thing in a VW bug long ago. Took the back seat out and my head was tilted up slightly on the rear deck as a pillow. Deifnitely head to the rear. Underneath on one side was a small cooler, the other side a small wood box that held the bucket!

Great job....tell us how it works.

BTW, your water tank and running water could be a camel back hanging on the side rail and the sink a tupperware container, plenty of room for an alcohol stove and acoller in front of the passenger front seat. You got it made!


Expedition Leader
Great job....tell us how it works.
Considering the huge investment (about $25), it works very well. A vast improvement over a ground tent; if I am traveling alone, I'll go this route route for sure.

Worth mentioning that there's still enough storage space to carry all the other gear and that it'd be pretty simple to get a tarp mounted as an awning along the side.


<snip> ...I've added the supremely useful Petroworks 15 gallon tank. <snip>

Question about that tank, if you don't mind: I've heard it's marginally useful because it doesn't really fit another 5 gallons over stock, due a large portion of the tank being limited to air space for expansion. Is that your experience? can you really get 15 gallons in?

Thanks for your input,



Expedition Leader
Question about that tank, if you don't mind: I've heard it's marginally useful because it doesn't really fit another 5 gallons over stock, due a large portion of the tank being limited to air space for expansion. Is that your experience? can you really get 15 gallons in?

Thanks for your input,

Color me embarrassed. I should know the answer but I've never had occasion to get it empty enough to know; the tank was only added a few months ago.

I will say that the stock tank never seemed to match up with the fuel gauge, letting me put only six or seven gallons in after I'd been running around on empty for a while. So I'm thinking that I'm routinely putting in 5 gallons more into the new tank than the stocker, but I don't know yet if I could really get 15 in it.

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