Texas to Alaska to Texas. 2020 Honda Accord Hybrid driving on the Dalton Highway and the Dempster Highway. July/August 2023.


daydream believer
Thanks for the compliment. Yes, I did all 880 km of gravel road in one shot. It was not easy, but I gave it my all. I feel sorry for my Accord. She is hanging in there. The car has been abused! From all the rocks hitting the under carriage to the hail storm and all the dust that is in all parts in my car that I will never ever be able to get clean again. My car is currently filthy from the dust.

I took a 2 hours nap in my car at the Arctic Circle. At 8:00 am, I called my hotel in Inuvik and asked if I could kindly do an early check in. They said sure. I could check in any time as from 10:00 am. I got into my car and drove 3 hours back to Inuvik and was able to chexk in at noon. I check in and took a well deserved shower. No good wifi at the hotel, so I am right now at the library here in Inuvik using their wifi to post all these pictures of my drive from Dawson City to Tuktoyatuk.
Hah, well deserved indeed.

I see you chatted with a local in Tuk. Awesome.

The vistor centre in Inuvik is pretty good, the one with the big carving outside. And the airport has a big polar bear (stuffed) inside.

Enjoy and thx for the pics !
Hah, well deserved indeed.

I see you chatted with a local in Tuk. Awesome.

The vistor centre in Inuvik is pretty good, the one with the big carving outside. And the airport has a big polar bear (stuffed) inside.

Enjoy and thx for the pics !
Thanks for the tip. I just went there. They gave me this certificate.

Also, Inuvik has a problem. A drug problem! I have been seeing these random women walking around like zombies. I was sure that was not normal. When I went to the visitor center,I talked about it and they confirmed with me that there is a big drug problem here. The police is cracking down but there is no improvement. So I guess there are a lot of drug addicts here. The sight is very sad. The ones I have been seeing are women. Young beautiful girls. It is sad.

And if you like dried fish, ask around but it might be too early. It's a specialty.
I just asked at the library. They directed me to a store. I get there and the lady says they do not sell dry fish in town and that the people who do it in town do it only for family members. They say my best bet is to go to Tuk. Too bad, I cannot go back to Tuk.


Another fabulous report with great photographs!

Have to say your reports have helped me as introductory guides to an area. Seeing a few sights/photos is all it takes to interest me in an area for a future trip.

I also think your trips show how folks can travel like this NOW. For sure the big 4x4's and such are nice, and do provide great capabilities, but you prove that it's not the vehicle that is the foundation of a trip, it's the will to just go and do it.

Safe travels!
If you come to Tuktoyatuk, you must stop to check out the pingos. Too bad the wind was very strong, and my drone was warning me with red alerts all over. I wanted to fly over the pingo and take a shot looking downward, but the wind was too much for my drone, and so I flew back to shore. I miss not getting that shot to see what was on top of that pingo.





Fun fact.

All the Taxi cabs in Inuvik are numbered with the numbers posted on them. There are only 30 cabs and all are numbered. And each has a cb antenna on top. Needless to say when they saw my car numbered 66 with a cb antenna, they have been asking around town about my car. One cab driver approached me and said a friend of his called him on his cb about my car with 66 on it. He was just not sure since I had 66 on my car, which is not a local cab number. So, the cab who called his friend was wondering if I was a tourist cab from another city visiting Inuvik. I told this guy nope. I just have numbers on my car and have a cb to communicate with other truckers.

Most of the taxi drivers in Inuvik are all from Africa. They are all from the same country called Sudan.





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Maybe I spoke too soon about not having a flat tire.

I woke up this morning to a tire that looks a bit low. I went and got gas and went to a tire shop.

They took off my tire to check for leaks. He could not find any. He called his coworker and I to come and help him look for bubbles. We could not find any.

He said he would put back my tire, and that would be $20 canadian. I said I have $20 US, which is more. Will that be ok? He said sure, and thanks a lot.

He adjusted all my 4 tires to the same psi. I went back to the hotel to check out.

It is 11:00 am now in Inuvik as I post this at the Inuvik library before I take off to drive over 16 hours through the night to get back to Dawson City.

I plan to take my time and sleep whenever I get tired. I just want to get to Eagle Plains before the restaurant closes at 7:30 pm, so that I can have dinner there.

I pray I do not have a flat tire. But I will be watching the driver side front tire, which is the tire that lost some air last night.






Well-known member
I wonder what draws the Sudanese there? Surely they can find cab jobs much closer to the climate they are used to. Inuvik's climate couldn't be more different.

Safe travels for the long drive.
Random Pictures.
Inuvik Library which offers excellent free wifi with free books. I even took 2 novels from the free books in the hallway.

The hotel where I stayed for 1 night. I enjoyed it.

A view this morning from my hotel room

It is really cool each time I see these huge overland rigs with foreign plates. So these people shipped this car to A.erica so they could tour. These must be some very wealthy people to do this kind of travel.


The best restaurant in Inuvik. I had whitefish and chips. It was very good.



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My return trip from Inuvik to Dawson City started at 10:30 am, and I reached Dawson City at 4:30 am. It took me 7 hours, which includes a 1 hour break at Eagle Plains for dinner. I gained one hour based on time zone change.

Pictures at the start of the trip. This is the best stretch of the Dempster Highway. It is straight and very well maintained. The speed limit is 53 mph on this road, but other riders and drivers boast of doing over 70 mph easily.

I did 60 mph a few times and could even hit 65 mph. But all these roads have gravel. If you are going too fast and have to make an emergency stop, the gravel will be very unforgiving, and you could lose control of your vehicle, and you will crash.


My GPS showing how straight the road is.

MacKenzie River Crossing.
I the ferry to take me to the little town of Tsiigehtchic. I was the only one who went there.

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