The Greatest Pajero Video Ever Made!


Expedition Leader
One tire off the trail, is one tire closer to widening the road/trail.. It's a matter of principle. Might not damage an ecosystem, but for every rig that runs a tire (or two since one usually follows the other ;) ) that road is slowly widening..

Once again, Utah has some extremely delicate situations where open roads/trails run along unfenced WSA (Wilderness Study Areas). You better believe that the BLM and enviro group keep very close watch on the extra tire marks here and there. Even bypasses on some of Utah's most recognizable trail (Pritchett Canyon) run right alongside WSA. One of the bypasses actually skirt right on this WSA land.. The BLM watches this like hawks, but is forgiving to a degree due to the amount of support from the fullsized 4x4 users. The local 4x4 groups baby, and patrol that trail because of how close it could be to being closed.

Think about it... A closed trail/road is far easier, and cost effective than an open one. Don't give land managers reasons to close roads... EVEN if it was just 'one' tire off the road.

I'll stop now :)

Weed growth beats ATs everytime. No worries.
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Either way... I've always wanted a 2 door Montero.. Ever since I started wheeling a Samurai, I thought the 2 door Montero would be a sweet sized rig..

I Leak Oil

Expedition Leader
I hear you on the land closure side but I think that is comparing apples to oranges also. Do we practice Treadlightly to protect the land and beloved trails or is it to appease and tip-toe around the groups that want to close them at all costs?
If it's to tip-toe then we've already lost and may as well just part our vehicle out so we can afford electric cars. If it's to protect the land then you can't complain about a little Raider driving on the same land the farm equipment tear up every year.
I don't agree with putting that stuff on line but there is certainly far worse out there already.
...just sayn'....too..


New member
I should note there is no recreational opportunities in Nebraska like there were when I lived in Arizona and even Pennsylvania and Tennessee.. it's all farmland it seems.

If anything good came out of me posting my video here, it was that it was a very lively discussion. I'm a realist myself... was a geology major for a while before I got my Bachelors in history. I don't go out of my way to run over animals or plants, but it does happen.... we strive for perfection but God put us on this world corrupted.... I do my best.

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