Transporting US military trailer to Canada


It depends on the trailer..
I doubt this one would go unobserved.



wander looking to get lost
What trailer are you talking about? Does it have civilian registration? What is the concern?

three years ago my son had a hockey tournament in Buffalo, NY. I took my M416 trailer to haul his stinky gear bag and a few other kid's bags. While there we took a trip across the border to visit the Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto. Back then all that was required was a valid registration and an explanation that it was a day trip. We got inspected on the return trip but that was US Customs. However, it is best that you know before you go because the US/Canadian border is no longer as friendly as it used to be.


New member
Hi everyone, I am located in Vancouver, BC. I was thinking of purchasing a M1101/2 at Phoenix, AZ and have a road trip at the same time. What proper paperwork would I need in order to cross the border and bring it back to Vancouver, BC, Canada.


As someone who has crossed the border via planes, trains, boats and automobiles, the border is still friendly, but its not a freaking drive up window at Burger King...

If you acquired a trailer from a 3rd party in the US and wish to import it to Canada, you are fine as most of the trailers were also sold to Canadian Forces; so its not on the restricted export list. Just have your paperwork ready for CBSA; I'm not sure if is subject to any vehicle tax off the top of head, but CBSA won't charge you duty on it far as I know..

Now, if your just taking it across the border for a trip, you should have no issues as long as you have a license plate on the trailer if required.


Adventurer, eh?
I thought I read in another thread that those USA military trailers in the USA weren't allowed to be sold outside the USA?

Check with GCsurplus and Kijiji once in a while, and even on Overland Canada forums

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