Utah Cruiser Expedition 2010


Wow, What a trip!
Been over the northern half of that a few times, but what you guys did in such a short time is amazing.
Thats kind of the way I like to roll across the desert. Cover some ground!:smiley_drive:


Supporting Sponsor Presenting Sponsor of Overland
Great job Adam. I think you captured the adventure very well. And as everyone has mentioned, the photography is spectacular. Though seeing it first hand is even better. I too was honored to be a part of this endeavor. I was openly skeptical that we could accomplish our goal. And I was very happy to eat my words. As Adam mentioned, the pace was blistering at times. I took perhaps 50 photos, and after looking at Adam's work I should have left the camera home.

Congratulations to Dave Connors on spearheading another phenomenal trek, and thanks to all that participated. I am proud to call them friends.



New member
Excellent write-up and pictures there Adam.

I was fortunate enough to have been a part of this trip as well. Well, at least the first rough half (first four days). I suppose I should mention I was the only solo driver during the entire escapade as well, which could possibly buy me some credit from having to leave early, lol:sombrero:

I have lived in Utah the majority of my life. This was an amazing trip on many different levels. Most of all, it was astonishing to see parts of this great state that I have never seen. Some of it not so pretty, and other parts breath-taking.

With all experiences, you learn a lot. That's part of the education process. I learned a few things about the group as we went along, and of course many other aspects of this style of travel.

Again, great times guys and thanks for the write-up Adam.

My useful tip in ending, expedition vehicles are generally loaded down to the max. They travel up and down many hills and test the capability of the brakes to the extreme. If you haven't done it lately (at least once every couple of years), flush and replenish your braking system with fresh fluid to ensure the best stopping.



Nice write up Adam! And Pictures. I'll add a few photos when I'm on my other computer, but just wanted to chime and and give my thanks for a great trip as well.
My daughter had just returned from being out of the country serving a church mission in Slovenia for 18 months. This was a great chance for me to sit down in the car for 12hrs a day together with her and chat. She had missed camping on her mission and so was able to get back into that as well.
People have asked what our favorite section of the trail was and I think we all agree you can't really single one out. The trip was great as a whole. So much variety! Absolutely wonderful trip. And I plan on going back now and spending several days exploring each segment. It was like running through the chocolate factory. It all smelled so great and you saw so much you wanted to stop and sample, but we were on an "aggresive schedule" so now we get to go back and spend some time. I think the canyons of Poison Springs are certainly going to be one of my first stops.


I heard about this trip just before it happened and I thought I was jealous before you guys left!

Wow, Adam, Exceptional shots! Have you used a camera much before this??? :Wow1:

That team sounds like a great collection of skills for all necessities. Good to hear that Dave had these mishaps with a crew instead of solo on his Expedtion Americas trip.

Thanks again.


I was just thinking about the trip some more. We were a pretty well equipt group. Pun intended. Besides being some of the greatest guys you could hope to travel with, Paul May and Kurt Williams also have been our group’s primary suppliers of expedition equipment. I'm not positive of the numbers, but probably pretty close. I'd say we had 5 roof top tents on the trip, at least 5 fridges, 5 winches, various offroad lights for our sections of night driving, Co2 tanks and ARB compressors for the flats, at least 5 tire patch kits (which were used extensively!). I believe all our rigs had ARB bumpers, all have some type of aftermarket suspension and lift kit. We had an inventory of spare parts and fluids. We all had CB's to maintain communications on the trail and pass along warnings of where to expect the wash outs in the road to those blinded by dust behind. I think we had 3 ham radios as well to reach out for help if needed and provide the tracking details for those back home. We had a couple satellite radios to bring us the football score on Thursday night when the UofU beat Pittsburg! Again, great group of guys, knowledgeable and well equipt for this adventure.


Tour Guide
I love Utah

Thank you for doing this trip and posting it for us. I love the diversity of our state, and this really makes me want to keep to my goal of one trip a month. Even if it is just overnight.


few of my pics


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Box Rocket

Well-known member
I suppose I should mention I was the only solo driver during the entire escapade as well, which could possibly buy me some credit from having to leave early, lol:sombrero:

Maybe I should have given Ryan some seat time, but other than about two hours on the first day off-pavement I drove the entire thing as well. Ryan got a little sick trying to read the maps at high speed in the twisties. Putting him in the driver seat for a couple hours helped. After that he was fine.

I'll agree with you Johnny, it was pretty exhausting to do all the driving. For me it just took constant attention and focus given the speeds on many of the sections. Physically I handled it fine it it was mentally challenging for sure.

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