Utah Cruiser Expedition 2010


Supporting Sponsor: Cruiser Outfitters
I understand. Helping in the planning stage would be tough though since I live in Virginia. I like the planning and prepping part as I would have a better idea of what issues would/ could arise. Im not really into the spoonfed experience either but having never been to Utah, I would need some help and jumping in with a group like this would be aces.

Being a few thousand miles away could hamper in person planning a bit :D Planning can be done online too, that Utah Traverse trip I talked about earlier is being planned 100% on the EU forum, I'm fairly confident the last one was planned virtually too as the participants were from all Utah and as far north as Canada :cool:


Just here...
Being a few thousand miles away could hamper in person planning a bit :D Planning can be done online too, that Utah Traverse trip I talked about earlier is being planned 100% on the EU forum, I'm fairly confident the last one was planned virtually too as the participants were from all Utah and as far north as Canada :cool:

Very true. Ill jump on at some point today and see whats cooking, if anything, for that time frame.


Supporting Sponsor: Cruiser Outfitters
I've not signed a model release for myself nor my truck... I demand a cash settlement or a beer at CM next year :D
You got it, I will make sure to introduce you to some of Durango's finest...I have discovered Steam Engine Ale from Steamworks brewery.. Best thing besides the taste, it is in a can!

If you have time, hop into our thread and check out the last page, it has our latest route..Tell me what you think...

I lobbied for Devil"s Kitchen to Dirty Devil crossing but a few want to try to press on to the Doll House.. If we can get from Devil's Kitchen to Hite via Bobby's Hole, BeefBasin, elk ridge road.to Hite by noon or even 1pm, Maybe we can then make it to Doll House by 5pm?

Your thoughts and experience would be greatly appreciated.


To go back to the very first post, adam is right, i'm rather reserved and reclusive. i was checking out Matt Lemon's Ak trip and came across this thread. nice to see you kept all your pics hidden over here adam.

So my take on the tires. I bought them before i went to south america on my toyo sponsored tires. as adam said they'd been to baja and death valley twice. i think they just sat for 6 years and got old and crusty and i should have aired back up after we left the Maze. They made for a long trip to say the least.

On the comments on the time frame. yes it was super aggressive but to Kurt's point that is part of the fun. Of the 900+ miles of dirt there were less than a 100 or so I hadn't done before. i've driven Poison Springs 5 times and the west desert stuff more than that. all of us have plenty of time and experience exploring utah. This was about covering the state on nothing but dirt. not exploring the Maze or the Navajo reservation. I'd done the state, west to east and north to south. This was yet another attempt to cross it and the fun for me comes in the pushing ourselves to do it. We all have real jobs and real responsibilities. in order to do it we had to push that hard as we didn't have the time to take a leisurely pace. I know that a few of the people mentioned the fatigue. that's actually the part i enjoy. Bombing into the maze in the dark and dust after 10 hours of driving was pure bliss to me. Granted I had drivers to split time with me but that's also why the birf broke and the tent got ripped off.

Awesome trip and awesome pics Adam.

I've already got a route planned diagonally the other way. Once the whole baja thing is over we should give it a shot.


I've already got a route planned diagonally the other way. Once the whole baja thing is over we should give it a shot.

count me in again. Loved the trip! Also agree the speed was part of the fun, except for the part when Hannah lost control in my lexus and my life passed before my eyes. :Wow1:


Supporting Sponsor: Cruiser Outfitters
Great trip report! I just read the whole thing while couch off-roading, it's got me excited to get out soon.

In a 40 or a 60 I hope :cool:

I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'm really jonesing to repeat this route but on 2 wheels this time around.

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