Victron SCC for smart watches?


Expedition goofball
Just wondering what if...
Is there a way to get some of the readouts on a smart watch?
Maybe not so much about settings or changing things but just to see how current info.
My setup:
Victory 100/30
Samsung Gear S3


AFAIK Victron still hasn't opened up their bluetooth comms for third party development and have been saying they won't be doing this for years. So unless they make one or allow third parties to, I think you're out of luck.


Rendezvous Conspirator
Based on my experience with the existing Victron app, this wouldn't be very useful anyhow. The major niggle being that they don't maintain a BT link in the app - if you switch out to another app or back up too far in the menu structure, you have to re-select which device you want to talk to and drill back down. In other words, their app architecture doesn't have a way to do quick-checks on basic solar stats in the way that you'd want to on a smart watch.

(This seems to stem from the app being designed to have a single-point access to multiple BT devices.)

To do a smartwatch thing, they'd basically need to write a new app (and possibly protocol) from scratch.


a very annoying component of the use of the Victron app with an Apple iPhone, is the requirement to power down the iPhone prior to use of the Victron app. Essentially this means use the app one time during the day, but do not expect to use again without power down. I get tired of powering down the iPhone. PITA. curiously i found the Victron app to continue to function over several hours while on the road. made me think the Victron Blue Tooth was easily interfered with by all the local (suburbs) WiFi/Bluetooth activity at the driveway level. While the truck sits in the driveway, I can re-power the iPhone and check the device status once a day, and then forget about the system till the next day.
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a very annoying component of the use of the Victron app with an Apple iPhone, is the requirement to power down the iPhone prior to use of the Victron app. Essentially this means use the app one time during the day, but do not expect to use again without power down. I get tired of powering down the iPhone. PITA. curiously i found the Victron app to continue to function over several hours while on the road. made me think the Victron Blue Tooth was easily interfered with by all the local (suburbs) WiFi/Bluetooth activity at the driveway level. While the truck sits in the driveway, I can re-power the iPhone and check the device status once a day, and then forget about the system till the next day.

Something might be wrong with your phone or your Victron unit? I have no issues checking the Victron app as many times as I want without powering down my IPhone.
IPhone SE version 2/Victron smart solar mppt 75-10/living in Seattle with a lot of interference

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Based on my experience with the existing Victron app, this wouldn't be very useful anyhow. The major niggle being that they don't maintain a BT link in the app - if you switch out to another app or back up too far in the menu structure, you have to re-select which device you want to talk to and drill back down. In other words, their app architecture doesn't have a way to do quick-checks on basic solar stats in the way that you'd want to on a smart watch.

(This seems to stem from the app being designed to have a single-point access to multiple BT devices.)

To do a smartwatch thing, they'd basically need to write a new app (and possibly protocol) from scratch.
Consumer BT is incredibly finicky and often unstable. I had a conversation with the Victron CEO some years ago - he said they had lots of Bluetooth stability problems related to Android BT stability. He also said the Apple universe was a pain in the butt. I do know the number of simultaneous BT connections is limited to ~7 on a PC. Not sure on Android. My Pixel 4 gets bitchy with a header, music, and Victron/other mfrs sensors. I have about a dozen Victron devices between my Jeep and Van - and every once and while, have to clear out the BT cache on my phone.

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Something might be wrong with your phone or your Victron unit? I have no issues checking the Victron app as many times as I want without powering down my IPhone.
IPhone SE version 2/Victron smart solar mppt 75-10/living in Seattle with a lot of interference

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
...I would say there is not a problem with the Victron devices. I would gladly complain about various glitches and bugs with the Apple iPhone11. It could very well be this user and others would have no issue.

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