

I don't have any of those fancy old SLRs, but I dug out my old Minolta-16 MG-S. It was a rich friend of mines and when he passed away his family was going to throw it out. It is practically brand new. The warranty card, first class film envelope and Exposure cheat sheet are still in the case. The metal wrist band is untarnished, but go bent too sharply when the family was looking at it and it broke.


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I'll play, love classic gear:



Ray Hyland

Expedition Leader
OK, I can't resist. Here are a few of mine.

The key point for me is that these are all still regular users for me. I bought the Salut in a Moscow pawn shop a few years ago, and it is fun to use with that 2.8/80 lens, and the brass shutter sounds like someone is sword-fighting. :Wow1:

The Seagull TLR is one I bought in Beijing in a camera shop, it has a great lens, similar feel to a Tessar when you shoot with it. It is a 1:3.5/75 which does nice low light landscapes.

And the Balda-Baldix bellows actually was my grandfather's. He used it when he was a professional photographer in the Yukon in the 1950s. It has a very german period lens, crisp and uncoated. Also a 1:3.5, it has the shutter in the lens itself which is pretty cool. When I got it all I needed to do to it was touch up the flocking. Even the timing was spot on.

The light meter is actually a selenium meter. It doesn't use batteries. It isn't super accurate unless you recalibrate it all the time, but it always brings a smile when you show people how it works.


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Likes to Drive and Ride
Helluva little pocket cam. My example had a lot of scratching on the front element. Still would like to have a great example with a hood. Such a joke to use.

I can't remember what I did with mine, traded it in for an SLR decades ago I think. Wish I still had it but know I wouldn't use it...


My film cameras: (Not as old as many on this thread, but these days, pretty much anything film is "vintage.") I still use the Canon glass on my Olympus micro 4/3 camera body.



Just here...
I just bought an M42 adapter to use my dad's Super Takumar 1.4 on the Canon bodies. It takes wonderful images.

7 or 8 element? I only use Pentax and have an 8 element Super Tak 1.4. Its a great lens and has a cult like following in the Pentax world. It was designed to be better than Zeiss Planar lenses and was so expensive to manufacture that they lost money on every single one. They quietly switched to the 7 element, which it still a good sharp lens, after the reviews came in confirming it was better, to stop the bleeding. I love old metal, manual lenses. Thats one of the reasons that I love Pentax stuff. They didnt switch mount systems regularly unlike other manufacturers. They have the M42 and then K mount and thats it.
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