What did you use your winch for today?


New member
It wasn't today, but on two occasions I used winch to drag a partially fallen tree to the ground. A rotten tree fell over during high winds and hung up in a neighboring tree. It was very precarious, so my father and I used the ATV winch to pull the trunk of the tree out and bring it down safely. It worked so well that when I was back home in MI my father asked if we could use the winch on my Dodge to bring a couple of widow makers down at his latest wood cutting site. Long story short, it worked well and we brought down a couple of large limbs that would have otherwise required someone to climb up and hack away until they fell. I wish I would have taken pics.

I have a winch on each of my vehicles and I've used them for many things besides self recovery. From pulling down limbs to pulling a large safe up a hill on a sled to get it into my house. Every pull has been well within the vehicle's capability and added a margin of safety to the operation.

LR Max

Local Oaf


LR Max

Local Oaf
Good thing the battery works no matter how the car is oriented :)

Fortunately it wasn't my truck. The battery in it was dead (not tied down, I think it grounded out) and the winch was dead.

I guess all I can say is when performing a recovery like this, take the 30 seconds to put some blocks behind the tires that are still in contact with the ground. I learned this the hard way.


Helped pull out a neighbor's stump with my winch. The Suzuki is so light that it ends up getting pulled towards things if I don't tie it off. However, with a bit of axing, we were able to successfully pull out stubborn stump.

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