what size water tank?


New member
ok so iv been collecting materials to turn an old boat trailer into an expedition trailer for about a year now and now that i have just about everything i need. im just missing the water tank and was wondering what is the best size water tank for a 4x6 trailer?
I was wondering the same thing..... Mine just showed up in the mail today. Its a 10 gallon tank. I know that's not that big but I wanted to keep the weight down. My trailer is 5'x6'. I am interested to see what others have to say.


We have 19 gallons and that will serve for several days. My tanks are mounted low (between frame members) so, in general, weight is not an issue. I do wait to fill them until either I am close to the camp spot, or in a place with terrific water.

I'd general, I say more is better. You can always choose when and how much.
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just a guy
i have two 10 gallon tanks linked together. Good for a few days of drinking, cooking, cleaning, with some left over.


Overland Explorer
I have a 19 gallon tank. When supporting 2 adults, one 18 month old, and one 12lb dog for a 4 day weekend camping trip on the trail, we didn't even use half of it. I would think that around 20 gallons is a good amount. Even if you assume a gallon per person per day, you have about 7 to 10 days worth. And if it's not that hot you may even extend longer.

Into our second season and very pleased with the size so far.

Robert Bills

The "best" size water tank is a compromise of the location where it must fit, weight limitations when full, and capacity that meets your particular needs (a common rule of thumb is a minimum of 1 gal/person per day + 1 additional gal./day for kitchen use.) In the case of my Bantam trailer that worked out to a 14 gallon tank from ronco-plastics.com, part no. RV3W.

Shown here (ignore the rust on the fitting - that part has been replaced):

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New member
another question what do y'all do with that water y'all use for cleaning dishes and what not? do y'all just let go on the ground?


Supporting Sponsor
I have a portable gray water tank, that I carry on the side of the trailer. It is sealed.

I use my trailers for a couple weeks at a time, normally at high altitude. If you are only using it for long weekends 20 gallons should be plenty. I set my trailers up to last 3 weeks with water, propane and solar/battery. Also mine serves as earth quake preparedness. Some day we will get the big one they predict. Hopefully not, but if it does happen, California will be paralyzed for quite awhile. I live on a major fault, so maybe I built overkill into mine.


Don't forget to include in your planning that water weighs 8lbs per gallon.
10 gallons weighs 80 lbs
20 gallons weighs 160 lbs
30 gallons.... You get the point.
Also a half filled tanks weight shifts it's center of gravity when braking hard and all the weight comes sloshing forward. Just some food for thought.


another question what do y'all do with that water y'all use for cleaning dishes and what not? do y'all just let go on the ground?

5 gallon bucket for gray water that can be emptied away from the camp. Helps keep things from turning into a muddy mess with extra critters poking around.

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