Who has used wood to skin there expedition trailer and floor also?


Not sure I've seen it over here but since I don't have the experience with Fiberglass and not sure I have the time to do the CPES technique I may try to do the PMF (Poor Man's Fiberglass) Method. I figure if it doesn't end up working I can always tear it down and start over. It seems like a legit method and should work fine for what I'm wanting to do and build. Anyone on here tried it? Seems pretty popular on the tiny teardrops forum.


Active member
The poor mans fiberglass frquently ends up looking like the dogs breakfast, especially where the canvas overlaps the other layers IMHO.

The idacamper2.0 has a finish I would love to replicate.


Well before any epoxy, the corners are all rounded with a round-over bit and a router.


Then it is a matter of glassing the joints/corners, and fairing them with epoxy.

And sand...sand....sand....sand....etc :coffeedrink:


Eventually you have a surface that is presentable enough to paint.

Thanks, very nice work!


Idasho has abilities way beyond mine. I haven't seen the PMF technique in person but on video it looks excellent. http://youtu.be/us8o8eNV9To I may try it just for this first one. I'm already planning my second one. I already have enough wheels and tires for another build so this first one my just go to my 17 year old as a beater. We are also going to try and build it in leases that a out 15 days. But over a total of about 2 months. Should be interesting. Thanks for all the help and suggestions. Tons of great info on this site.

Heifer Boy

I agree with idaSHO. It's a simple, strong, light way to build and easily accessible to most home builders without heavy equipment or experience. I'll definitely build in the same way again in the future.




No doubt idaSHO's way is FS superior. But that can't be cheap. And I'd have no idea how much of each product to buy. I'd imagine your over $500 in just supplies doing it that way. But it would last forever and looks amazing. Great job and nice work idaSHO.



But by no means is it terribly expensive or difficult.

You soak up much more of the expense in labor than materials and equipment.

That's why nobody does it these days. Hard to justify the labor.

MFGs want units that can slap together and push out the door.

I don't mind it. I find it to be superior in many ways to traditional camper construction, especially if extreme climates are anticipated.

Compared to aluminum and steel, wood CANNOT be beat from an insulation standpoint.


I agree with the insulation factor. I've always wanted my exterior to be wood.
idaSHO you need to do a YouTube video on your technique showing all the different steps so we can learn from ya. I know you put up a post on the products you used. Would be cool tonsee them on action.
Like I said I'm already planning my second build. This first one will be pretty basic and I'll give it to my son most likely. Still think in going to do the PMF method and try it out. If they can do it to canoes and kayaks I don't see why it wouldn't work on my trailer. My trailer will never see much prolonged rain where I live. I live in the desert.
Hopefully on my next build I'll have the confidence to try what idaSHO is doing. And the next one I won't have a deadline. But this time around no way I'd attempt it.


Active member
IdaSHO, would it be acceptable to skip the fiberglass on the corners and use epoxy only?

What are the advantages of reasons for classing the corners and seams?

On the 'boxy' type of camper that I have planned I would imagine that there is considerable amount of labour involved with fairing the fiberglassed areas into the flat parts. On a boat one can fair into the nearest chine.


The extra strength is needed on joints to join the two surfaces of the sheets.

You need the glass if you want a durable mono-shell finish

And that is the primary benefit to such a method of construction.

When finished you have a monoshell. No joints = no leaks.


I have never used fiberglass before in my life so this may sound like a dumb question but how do you keep from having a raised area where the fiberglass mesh is only placed on the corners and joints? For example, lets say you have three joints on the side of your trailer, will you see those joints? Almost like a picture frame with the joints and edges/corners.

IdaSHO, do you have a build thread? That camper looks pretty sweet.


New member
I'm in the process of starting my own DIY offroad camper. Wood doesn't have the condensation, but does not provide a Faraday Cage for sleep protection on a coastal beach during a lightning storm. I'm thinking of building mine of plywood, but then lining the inside with Reflectix insulation. But, then I'm back to a potential condensation issue.
Any thoughts on this??


Active member
Water vapour will condense on cold surfaces, think cold beer out side on summer day. Insulate it well enough (think beer cozy) and condensation will be minimized.

When we exhale we also produce a lot of water, suitable ventilation can take care of that.


I have never used fiberglass before in my life so this may sound like a dumb question but how do you keep from having a raised area where the fiberglass mesh is only placed on the corners and joints? For example, lets say you have three joints on the side of your trailer, will you see those joints? Almost like a picture frame with the joints and edges/corners.

IdaSHO, do you have a build thread? That camper looks pretty sweet.

The glass tape is very thin, and faring out the joint far enough, you see very little of the joint.

But you still see it a bit, unless you add enough epoxy to level.

Build thread is over on Pirate4x4 Although Ive had some recent requests to post it up on Expo as well, so I may do that.

Google search IDACAMPER2.0 and youll find it.

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