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    Heavy Duty Shirts Never bought one, but I want to soon. Made in America in VT since 1842 or something.
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    Anti gun legislation

    Fear, Is the biggest driver of all. Very good post. Thanks. In general, I think that fear has been playing too great of role in all our lives recently and fanned too much by the great talking heads on both sides.
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    "Combination" guns

    I just wish the M6 wasn't so stinking expensive. I'd love to have one.
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    Camping with Firearm-Post Bear Mauling

    I understand the sentiment 100%, but I don't have the time to practice with firearms enough to be sure of my skill. I'm a corporate choad 60-70 hours a week and the rest of the time is spent with my wife and child. I like carrying both, I'm a belt and suspenders engineering nerd kind of guy...
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    1990 K5 Blazer -- 4 cyl Cummins

    Cummins engineers refer to this engine as "the shaker".. Look up the Brazilian F250. The electronic injection makes the engine liveable.
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    Mahindra 4x4 pickup

    How many indian and chinese parts are on your toyota? You would be surprised at how much casting and machining work is being done there. Hell Sikorsky just signed a JV with Tata to make heliocopters there and Cummins has been in with Tata for many years.
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    Do you feel the need to have a weapon when camping

    Don't get me started there. I'm an atheist married to the daughter of a catholic deacon. I should write a book.
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    Do you feel the need to have a weapon when camping

    I saw that link.. I posted it too somewhere.. L0L. Religion isn't probably the proper word to use, I'd say it's about beliefs. Belief systems are not necessarily based upon fact, nor do they need to be. I think this is also about skills. I shoot clay pigeons out of the air for fun. I can...
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    Hiking with toddlers

    I just did a short hike with some friends who recived a Deuter brand baby carrier. I must say it puts my sherpani to absolute shame. It is better padded, better constructed and just flat out a nicer bit of kit. Too bad it's double the price. I would check one out if you have some serious...
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    Ford Vrs Toyota course

    repairs per thousand are generally closey guarded industry numbers. Depending on the company posting actual numbers can get you fired. Come on man... Thats industry propretary informantion.
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    Do you feel the need to have a weapon when camping The statistics from the guy above says, firearms are 67% effective at stopping a bear attack and the spray is 92%. Interesting stuff. Sometimes, I really hate being a data driven person.
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    Do you feel the need to have a weapon when camping that is interesting.. That is some interesting stuff. especially the last bit. double the chance of injury if you fire at a bear vs spray.
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    Ford Vrs Toyota course

    vehicle brand feud debates are akin to the good old 2nd grade, "My dad can beat up your dad." I'd like to think it's all in good fun and if we met a stranded vehicle on the trail, no matter the brand, we'd all pitch in and help...... btw.. Haven't you heard, Mahindra will rule everyone...
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    Do you feel the need to have a weapon when camping

    I was going to say that carry on the streets, by the data, is much more prudent than carry in a park. The thing that got me thinking about carry in the woods was an encounter with a guy walking a very large and angry pit bull, while hiking with my baby and wife. That dog was scary. Yes...
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    Do you feel the need to have a weapon when camping

    Like I said, It's not perfect. The 2006 data was all I could find. But geez the crime rate inside a park is silly low. 1.65 per 100,000. to keep the statistics comparable the violent crime rate in the rest of the nation was 473.5 per 100,000. That is a prety wide distance...
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    Do you feel the need to have a weapon when camping

    Not to bring things like Statistics into it, but I am an enginerd by training. Looking at this chart there is a violent crime rate of 1.65 per 100,000 in national parks in 2006. (It's the data I can find...
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    2011 GM diesel power figures announced

    There are no indications that this will be true. The program was cancelled in 2008-09.
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    Ford Vrs Toyota course

    Yeah, sorry my response was a bit harsh as well. No hard feelings. You get kinda snappy when you got a 1 year old who likes to get up at 4am everyday.