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  1. jnaut

    Africa Water Purification

    Solar ovens probably wouldn't get hot enough. Because there you're depending on heat, not UV.
  2. jnaut

    ENGEL Fridge - solar panel question

    Yowza... is it just me or are prices dropping on these things?
  3. jnaut

    ENGEL Fridge - solar panel question

    There's no way that fridge consumes 2.5 watts. that's gotta be amps. If it's 12volts, that's 30 watts. But it looks like you got your answers down thread. Good luck.
  4. jnaut

    Is it worth building a Kj?

    See that's the kicker. Diesel's a bit more expensive here, and while I haven't done the math lately, often times the Diesel ends up being more expensive to run, even with the improved gas mileage. You're right about the durability, though. Diesel engines out there reporting 600,000 miles...
  5. jnaut

    Is it worth building a Kj?

    Yeah, with all the hay everyone makes about IFS, my IFS has never caused me a problem on the trail. My open diff causes me more trouble than anything-- and that's on the list to get fixed. Well said.
  6. jnaut

    Sierra Club trying to shutdown Reiter area in Washington State.

    Here's the counter-argument. Again, fight on principle:
  7. jnaut

    Sierra Club trying to shutdown Reiter area in Washington State.

    Sierra Club's view of ORV use: Now, the above quote, while taken from a campaign to keep ORV's out of Hoosier Nat'l Forest, is applicable to ANY natural place. And their wording betrays that fact. Ie, this problem isn't just a problem for Hoosier, it's a problem everywhere. So one can...
  8. jnaut

    Sierra Club trying to shutdown Reiter area in Washington State.

    What about the theory that any ORV use is, by definition, damage?
  9. jnaut

    New Kayak Waterfall Record Set

    Yes, otherwise the world record would be much, much higher. One could commit suicide over Victoria falls, and that would be it.
  10. jnaut

    120v to 12v conversion

    If there's a 12v version available, I would strongly suggest getting that because as another poster noted, inverters aren't 100% efficient. There is some loss. An appliance made for 12v will run more efficiently than one made for 120vac on an inverter.
  11. jnaut

    120v to 12v conversion

    Correct, they're not 100% efficient, but depending on your use, batteries etc., this won't matter most of the time. Probably not. I think you mean mean 120 ac VOLTS. The wattage will either be a secondary statistic (probably printed on the controller) or is rated in Amps. To calculate watts...
  12. jnaut

    120v to 12v conversion

    I agree with Mr. Wilson. You don't want to start modifying your standard AC appliances to 'work' with 12v. From an engineering standpoint that's a 'decentarlized' solution- and it requires a case-by-case hardware specific modification. Figure out what the wattage of your AC device is and...
  13. jnaut

    suburban vs grand wagoneer

    Easy now killer. :Wow1: That's not so easy to achieve.
  14. jnaut

    Makes me want a Subaru...

    That's not a subaru. It's a hand-built 4wd suspension system with some subaru-stamped sheet metal, aka "a body" bolted onto it.
  15. jnaut

    Impending Legislation that could affect You (Oregon especially)

    What fourth amendment rights? Oh wait, you're referring to the Bill of Rights, amendment four? Oh that old thing...
  16. jnaut

    Impending Legislation that could affect You (Oregon especially)

    I can't speak for this bill particularly, but I know that states are going to get around this by calling it an 'emissions' issue. Because anyone with a casual familiarity with science knows that "emitting" less CO2 isn't an emissions issue at all. It's a fuel economy issue. States are...
  17. jnaut

    Is it worth building a Kj?

    You heard wrong. A KJ is not the best vehicle for certain 4wd applications. For instance, I don't feel it's the best rock crawler. IFS and all. However, even with IFS, good driving and a willingness to make certain mods, it'll do that fairly well, too. A KJ will be a GREAT expedition...
  18. jnaut

    cheaper 12v fridge?

    Chuck45 nailed it. That's why i made sure to ask if everyone was familiar with the limitations. If your truck gets to 120 degrees while sitting in the sun, your cooler will be lucky to get it down below 80. Which if you think about it is pretty good which you consider the temp differential...
  19. jnaut

    Ram Suction Cup Mounts

    unbelievably well. However, all suction cups can fall off. My old non-ram suction mount used to fall off anytime there was a significant change in the weather. Ie, if I parked in direct sun I would often find it on the floorboards. But when I got my ram, it has a very different mechanism...
  20. jnaut

    How do you sport your SPOT?

    Wow, I had never heard of this thing before, and I'm a long...looong time GPS user. Like, before everyone had a Garmin Nuvi in their windshield. Like before the feds dropped Selective Availability on the GPS satellite net. These are pretty cool. I apologize for the thread jack but after...