Impending Legislation that could affect You (Oregon especially)


First let me say I'm sorry if this is the wrong location to post this but the forum layout doesn't really leave a good place to post a topic like this.
H.B. 2186 would regulate vehicle fuel economy, an authority reserved to the federal government.

I can't speak for this bill particularly, but I know that states are going to get around this by calling it an 'emissions' issue.

Because anyone with a casual familiarity with science knows that "emitting" less CO2 isn't an emissions issue at all. It's a fuel economy issue. States are playing semantic games. The only way to emit less co2 is to burn less fuel, meaning that it is a defacto fuel economy issue. But if states stay on message and keep calling it a co2 emission issue, they'll get to regulate whatever they want.


I would also argue that this could be interpreted as a violation of our fourth amendment rights under the US constitution.

What fourth amendment rights? Oh wait, you're referring to the Bill of Rights, amendment four? Oh that old thing...



Ya'll are free to borrow whatever you find valuable from my letter. Lance, thanks for the props. I just noticed a typo in my original post and corrected it :)

I do encourage you however, to write an original letter if you can spare the few minutes it will take. Individual voices will carry a lot more weight than something that sounds like "me, too!"

Tony; I wasn't sure if it were right for me to write to a legislator of a state other than my own. Still not completely comfortable with that. That's one of the reasons I chose to emphasize tires in my letter. I have spent (and will continue to spend) significant time and money driving in Oregon. So there is a very real possibility of needing to buy a tire while I'm there. This bill would affect me.


Response from Rep. Bentz

This is the response I received earlier today from Representative Cliff Bentz of Oregon:

Thank you for your message regarding House Bill 2186. This bill
reflects a concept created in the Governor's office. It was then
referred to the House Committee on Environment and Water (on which I
serve as one of eight members). At the bill's first hearing, held on
Tuesday, February 3rd, I explained to the witnesses from the DEQ that I
was not happy with the concepts contained in the bill. The delegation
of power to the DEQ is far too great and the economic impact of the bill
is too far reaching. The bill will, I am sure, require additional
public hearings.

I represent District 60 (Malheur, Baker, Harney, and part of Grant
County). I am certain that a majority of my constituents will oppose
many of the ideas in the bill, particularly those which will negatively
impact our economy. I would strongly suggest and recommend that you
contact your state representative and share with him (or her) your
thoughts regarding this bill.

Very Truly Yours,

Representative Cliff Bentz
District 60


2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
As someone who regularly writes letters/emails & makes phone calls out of my home state I treat it as a 2 fold issue.
1) I have been to that state or plan to in the future and whatever I am writting/talking about will negitively impact my travel there & thus the money I will spend
2) I do not want to see a precident set that will lead to something similar in my state.

Usually I get positive feedback even though I don't live in that state.
Travel, money, perception and legal precidents all are things folks in gov understand.
I can't remember ever hearing back that I should butt out, although maybe the times I don't hear anything back is sending that message :)

Thanks for the ok to use J, my plan is to make enough changes and add a bit so make it my original work :) Nothing new under the sun and all.

This is one of the best efforts by Expo I have seen. Those who have a talent and time using it to help those who aren't as talented and all of it going to help overlanding in general.

If anyone else has written please post a copy of your letter so others may learn or just see another style or verbage.
Thanks J. As Lance said, I intend to modify enough to make it my own. Often I modify so much that it's not even the same letter, but I always ask first anyway.

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