Search results

  1. jnaut

    cheaper 12v fridge?

    What size you lookin' at? I bought this Wagan which is OK, not a big capacity but it does a job. It's kind of neat because it can reverse the circuit and act as a warmer as well. Ignore the high-end price on the link I sent, you shouldn't pay more than about $39 US for it. I picked up mine...
  2. jnaut

    Scuba Tank for On Board air... stupid qestion?

    I'm old fashioned so I'd rather have something that... generates its own air, even if it takes longer. I've considered splitting the difference and just bringing my own 100lb tank compressor along. It runs on 110 volt so I'll need to upgrade my inverter to a higher rated one, but you can...
  3. jnaut

    carry gun

    That's 'cause cops aren't trained to drive.
  4. jnaut

    Am I going to regret this...

    My advice would be to keep the lift and get less aggressive tires. Those are full offroad tires, right? Maybe get some AT's like Yoko Geolandars. Something that's a little more inbetween. Either that or just get some pure street tires. My opinion is the lift won't make that much difference...
  5. jnaut

    Show Your Ironic Photos

    By the way, I wasn't grading the pictures for Irony, I just picked the two funny ones that struck me as expected outcomes. There were plenty of other non-ironic photos but were still funny as hell, and worth seeing.
  6. jnaut

    Show Your Ironic Photos

    Again, not irony. It's exactly what we knew would happen with a stupid border fence. Irony was using illegal immigrants to help build it. THAT'S irony. :costumed-smiley-007
  7. jnaut

    Show Your Ironic Photos

    That's not irony. That's exactly what you'd expect.
  8. jnaut

    Scuba Tank for On Board air... stupid qestion?

    That's why you'd want a standard scuba tank. You fill it with air, not O2. However, because a scuba tank operates at such high pressures, you will need to get it spec tested once a year (if I remember correctly). Sure, you can fill them yourself (if you have the compressor) but that's not...
  9. jnaut

    Scuba Tank for On Board air... stupid qestion?

    Negatory. A standard Aluminum 40cu scuba tank will do 3000lbs of pressure. Honestly, I can't think of a reason why you couldn't use a scuba tank.
  10. jnaut

    carry gun

    I know a guy who had a crown vic and it was accidentally discharging all the time. Antifreeze, that is. I'm here all week.
  11. jnaut

    carry gun

    For people who wonder why anyone would ever consider carrying a gun into natures wonders... this is why I carry mine: It's not always about bear attacks...
  12. jnaut

    conqueror compact

    Hmm, bidding ended at $4,051, reserve not met. Call me a biscuit and butter me up, but $4,051 seems like a reasonable price for that. I mean, come on.
  13. jnaut

    "King Leonidas" Build thread!

    They're boxy, but they're good.
  14. jnaut

    "King Leonidas" Build thread!

    Word. x2 on the powder coating. You gouge those rims, they're gouged. No sense in spending money powdercoating. Thanks for the advice. I think I'm definitely going to do this. What kind of clearcoat was used? You said you used a paint for wheels, but I didn't see you specify the type of...
  15. jnaut

    "King Leonidas" Build thread!

    Well that's not bad. I'm worried about them looking like an old barn after one time out off-road, but it doesn't sound like that's a major problem. I fully understand they'll get some nicks on them here or there, but I've seen some really bad painted rims. Probably because the painter didn't...
  16. jnaut

    "King Leonidas" Build thread!

    Pnorvell, How's the paint holding up on those rims? I've been thinking of doing the same thing with mine, but I've been concerned that painted rims would look worse than the naturals if you off-roaded in them and they started chipping and flaking?
  17. jnaut

    carry gun

    Exactly what my friend-of-a-friend gunsmith said: get a better magazine than stock. So 1st thing I did was go get a Wilson Combat mag.. x2. No change. I'll check into your other suggestions. When the gun fires FMJ, it's a dream, and I'd prefer to keep it, but I'd like to be able to put some...
  18. jnaut

    carry gun

    I'm in Seattle, WA. Not sure. Here's the thing, Michael, I love the gun, and would really like to get it working. I'd be more inclined to trade it if I discover that it just can't be made to reliably shoot HP's. Where are you?
  19. jnaut

    carry gun

    Been a long time, and I believe the ramp was polished as well. A friend of mine took it to a certified colt gunsmith, and he didn't see anything wrong with it, but didn't get a chance to shoot it on the range due to more pressing concerns. (it was free, afterall). I'll try to take some...
  20. jnaut

    carry gun

    One note on that. Emergency situations come in all shapes and sizes. We all like to think that our 'emergency' situation will be an invader in the home. Distance between us and the shooter. In my urban environment, I'm far more likely to need my weapon while a crazy homeless guy is trying to...