97 Cummins "do-it-all"


Renaissance Redneck
Sounds good! I could actually swing by Whistler on the way home...would be a couple weeks from now. Want to grab a frosty beverage and talk truck?

Absolutely! PM me when you are coming this way, and I'll send you my cell number. I will be on the Oregon coast from around the 27th, to the 30th.


Expedition Leader
Hey Ian, thanks for posting those pics. Looks like you are having a great trip. Sorry to hear about your girlfriend breaking her leg. Hopefully it will heal fast. I am now back in Europe, so I unfortunatly cant meet you. It would have been cool to enjoy a couple of cold ones and I would have liked to check out your fine rig. Maybe next year? Cheers, Chilli....:)


i was reading the post about the tires and ford steelies just thinking to myself PLEASE paint them black! then i scrolled down and theyre black...im subscribed lol nice truck


WOW outstanding! I now feel a renowned bit of faith in today’s youth after reading your posts. Not only do you think and write well above your years, you also have great tastes and know how to prioritize projects. There are guys here that are two and three times your age that can't do any of that. Good work young man! Very nice truck(s) too. Looking forward to more :elkgrin: Have a safe trip

Thanks for the very kind words Larry!!!! :elkgrin: If you're ever in the Socal/Oregon area let me know, and I'll do the same if I'm around Pueblo...would love to see Polar Bear...and the cub!!

Absolutely! PM me when you are coming this way, and I'll send you my cell number. I will be on the Oregon coast from around the 27th, to the 30th.

Will do Sir!!! Where will you be in Oregon....I'll be visiting my Dad in Ashland but I'm not sure if I'll yet be there by the 30th...will keep ya posted.

Hey Ian, thanks for posting those pics. Looks like you are having a great trip. Sorry to hear about your girlfriend breaking her leg. Hopefully it will heal fast. I am now back in Europe, so I unfortunatly cant meet you. It would have been cool to enjoy a couple of cold ones and I would have liked to check out your fine rig. Maybe next year? Cheers, Chilli....:)

You are very welcome Chili and yes I am! I hope so too, she was so bummed when it happened I felt so badly. We have been having a blast regardless. Enjoy your stay in Denmark and I will let ya know if I'm ever back up in the area!

i was reading the post about the tires and ford steelies just thinking to myself PLEASE paint them black! then i scrolled down and theyre black...im subscribed lol nice truck

Thank you Sir!


Renaissance Redneck
I'll be in the Tillamook/Nehalem Bay area. It's only the opposite end of the state from Ashland. But if you make it to Whistler we'll meet up.


Expedition Leader
I don't know how I feel about the name....

Nice job on the truck and getting out with it so far.


Expedition Leader
:elkgrin: Sorry Metcalf, I did take a few ..ahem... cues from your build :drool: How is your truck doing by the way?

It just keeps chugging along. It still does daily driver duty 99% of the time for me.....

I should probably give it a little more love but it just keeps working.


Sorry for such a long time without updates. This is by far the longest time I've spent up here in Calgary with my GF's family and it has been excellent but very taxing at the same time due to some family issues. Going to be heading back to the US in a couple days here...but for now a thread update is in order.

So, we got the truck out last week and went all through the ice fields and up into Jasper national park, up through edmonton and back down to Calgary. It was very hard to find any interesting roads in JNP but we were able to find some nice spots well off the highway.

We stopped off for a bite at Helen lake to enjoy the views.

I had to stop and take a picture of this tour bus for the Columbia ice fields. way cool!!!

Sure makes the mighty Dodge seem small...

Our camp site for the first night off highway 93. Turned out to be very cold and wet the following morning so we warmed up by the fire and headed for Jasper...

On the way I found some roads that narrowed quickly into single track paths and had to reverse out for about 1/2 mile

We stopped for lunch in jasper and continued to find this spot off a road off hwy 16

We stayed at this spot for 2 days, wanted to stay longer but it started to snow pretty badly on the 2nd night, so we left the following morning..

We stayed at Louise's aunt's house that night in Edmonton and made it home to Calgary the next day.

Overall was a nice trip with beautiful scenery. Unfortunately the roads off the highways are all blocked off and hard to access in jasper area. the old Dodge ran great and got some good numbers for fuel mileage..thats all for now folks I hope you enjoyed the pictures!



Renaissance Redneck
Looks like fun! Let me know if you are still going to come to the coast in BC before heading back to T.O.


Hello again everyone!

As usual life is taking precedence over the truck, so not much has happened.

Anyways, the truck and I are back in Alberta again. The truck remains unchanged other than the grille now being black (and the whole rig being significantly dirtier from winter). I hit a deer and ended up breaking a turn signal lens, breaking the grille off and bending the bumper. oops! I winterized the truck, now running Delo 5W40 synthetic, and block off plates on the grille. Good news is the Firestones are absolutely fantastic and show very little wear in 9000 miles. I took a different route up from Cali to Calgary this time, tool I5 all the way to Bellingham, WA, then 539 to the border, and the trans-canada all the way through the Rockies. Ive been here for 5 days now, and things are settling down (a nice change). I was in the midst of winter storm Dion the entire way up Oregon and at the worst point we were passing two to three accidents every mile. At one point I5 northbound was shut down at Sutherlin, OR for 3 hours due to a fatal accident between an 18 wheeler and 2 cars :Wow1:... The rest of the drive was very easy however, I must say highway 1 is immaculately maintained in winter time!

I didn't want this thread to die completely, so I'm sorry for the rather drab update.

Redthies, sorry I didn't make it to Whistler in October. Ended up having to rush to OR to help my dad with a blown motor in his 84 Toyota. I'll be back up your way this summer, potentially could head your way at that time if you're around..

Thanks everyone!

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