Bundle Your EV Charger Build Cost Into Your Car Loan? BofA sez, sure!


It’s an easy 30/50amp outlet already installed in most homes and able to be used with a portable charger and plug adapter.
I guess that makes sense. I've never lived in a home where the dryer is anywhere close to where you park a car. I would go for a dedicated breaker for anything 50 amp. It's pretty easy to install a breaker and run wire as long as your panel will support it.


I guess that makes sense. I've never lived in a home where the dryer is anywhere close to where you park a car. I would go for a dedicated breaker for anything 50 amp. It's pretty easy to install a breaker and run wire as long as your panel will support it.

Definitely not ideal but it will work in a pinch and usually with an extension cord.


New member
Bundling the cost of EV chargers into auto loans can indeed be helpful for those transitioning to electric vehicles. However, the question of what happens if you default on your car loan and whether they'd take away the charging equipment is valid.
It's essential to carefully read the terms and conditions of such financing agreements. While this approach can simplify the process, understanding the potential consequences in case of default is crucial. Consulting with experts like your Mortgage Broker in Goole can provide valuable insights into the specifics of these deals. Making the transition to EVs more appealing is a positive step, but being well-informed about all aspects of the financing arrangement is essential.
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