Help me pick a handgun


Automotive ADHD is fun!
I dunno why I keep waffling back and forth on this one, but I am. In the sub-$300 range, I am looking at a CZ-82, a used Ruger 9mm, and a Smith 4043. This will be for the lockbox in the truck and (as a very secondary use) for basic home defense. I like how cheap the ammo is for the CZ, and every report I have read says it's a pleasure to shoot. The 9mm has the appeal of being a non-orphaned round and being a much more modern frame. The Smith is just pretty, but I worry that I wouldn't get much practice with how expensive it would be to shoot (relative to the other two). In theory I would be the only shooter, but I would like for the wife to be able to operate it in a pinch.

Any thoughts are appreciated! And if anybody in Cali wants to sell me something, I am open to suggestions - I would be happy to partial trade my Marlin 795 and 500rds of .22
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My 2 cents

If you are looking for a "defense" handgun... as you mentioned, It's hard to beat the reliability of a revolver. Yes they have fewer rounds than an auto but it's not likely you are going to get into a running gun battle with an intruder in your home. Additionally, if for "defense" you want to be sure that what or whom you shoot doesn't get back off the floor and shoot you again because you only made him angry with a .22 round to the buttocks. I recommend a .357 revolver or a.45 auto. I know we (collective we) hope to never have to pull a gun on someone invading our homes to do us harm, but if we are going to pull a gun we better be ready to use it! And if you have to use it... it better do the trick. Cost of ammo? I wouldn't worry too much about that, it won't take boxes and boxes of ammo to gain and maintain enough skill to feel confident with your weapon.


I really recommend finding a range that has guns you can rent, and trying out as many as you can. There's no substitute for actually seeing how it feels in your hands while shooting.


Automotive ADHD is fun!
I really recommend finding a range that has guns you can rent, and trying out as many as you can. There's no substitute for actually seeing how it feels in your hands while shooting.

Probably should have mentioned - I have played with all three on my shortlist, and all feel good in my (admittedly inexperienced) hands. I am also not horribly prejudiced against the idea of a revolver, it just comes down to the incredibly shallow fact that I don't like the appearance as much as that of a classic automatic. If I get a screaming deal on a .38, I would probably grab one and call it a day.

I did not like how the Glock felt. No clue why, it just feels like a toy to me for some reason. Budget is not at all flexible, so the Sig is out of the running for the timebeing. Keep the tips coming!


My co-worker just picked up a used police issue SIG P225 or P6, I cant remember which. Its a 9mm single stack magazine. They are pretty cool, most have a cool patina from holster wear but havent been shot all that much. I think it was around the $300 mark.
I did not like how the Glock felt. No clue why, . . .

It might be the grip angle. I will get in trouble for saying so, but I seriously dislike the Glocks. One reason for me is the grip angle. If you are used to the feel of a 1911 or guns with a similar grip, the Glock will not feel right.


Automotive ADHD is fun!
It might be the grip angle. I will get in trouble for saying so, but I seriously dislike the Glocks. One reason for me is the grip angle. If you are used to the feel of a 1911 or guns with a similar grip, the Glock will not feel right.

Wanna cry? Years ago, my dad traded the 1911 that my grandfather carried in WW2 for a case of beer. Among other stupid trades for which we have never forgiven him - 1953 Chevy Pickup (beer), Martin D-19 (beer), 1965 Porsche 911 (Volvo station wagon).


There is a solid reason why most law enforcement agencies in the country are issued and carry the Glock Model 22 (.40 cal).

'nuff said. :ar15:


There is a solid reason why most law enforcement agencies in the country are issued and carry the Glock Model 22 (.40 cal).

'nuff said. :ar15:

Just because the AGENCIES issue them doesnt mean the OFFICERS like them. Ive talked to quite a few officers that cant stand the Glocks but thats what theyre told to carry. Same with several sheriffs I know who are issued the Beretta and dont like those either. I personally cant stand Glocks either. THey just dont feel right in my hands.

OP - If youre looking to get a gun strictly for self defense I highly recommend a revolver. Theyre the simplest to learn and theyre, no offense intended, completely idiot proof. If it has bullets in it you cannot screw up a revolver. On the other hand, with an auto, you could end up forgetting to rack the slide or accidently hit the mag release, etc.

If you're going to use it recreationally (ie. IDPA, IPSC, target shooting, etc.) and are going to spend the time to learn the gun and get seriously comfortable with it, well then an auto is fine. I personally like the 1911 frame, and have a Para Ordnance LDA .45acp that I love.

But I also have a Uberti Cattleman (cowboy style) in .45colt that is my mountain gun. I have it with me anytime I'm camping, fishing, hunting, exploring, etc. Its accurate, reliable, and foolproof. If I'm in the backcountry fishing, and something happens, I have it to defend myself if need be or to hunt with.

Im one of those people that follows the "rather have it and not need it then need it and not have it" rule.

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