Interview with Sportsmobile West Owner Alan Feld


Wow, have any of you guys ever run a real business? He has fixed costs and probably debt and like everyone he doesn't know when the economy will turn around. There's plenty of good companies in his business who have gone out of business. My post had nothing to do with your good feelings about sportsmobile.
I hope when they're busy a salesman is the primary contact. At that time the owner is probably working a 10 hour day and needing to work 15 hours.

Yes, I have run a real business.

My observation is that how much time the 'owner' works per day is a totally irrelevant indicator of the success of the business. It is what they do that matters much more, and strategic decisions like cost mgmt. and debt levels are indeed very important. But interacting with potential customers (aka, people in general) and cheerleading for the company are also reasonably good uses of time. My guess is that if SMB had any meaningful debt or excessive fixed costs they'd already be dead like the others in this biz.

I was there a week ago and was amazed at how much activity they have on the production floor. Now way to tell whether or not it is profitable, but at least people are busy.


Expedition Leader
I hope when they're busy a salesman is the primary contact. At that time the owner is probably working a 10 hour day and needing to work 15 hours.

I first met Alan in 2005 at the Outdoor Retailer show. No matter how busy he is, he will always find time to talk with someone about Sportsmobiles and give a tour. That is the kind of person he is and it reflects in the kind of company that he has created Sportsmobile West to be.

How you choose to run your business is up to you, but just because an owner takes the time out of his day to talk to you does not mean the company is failing.


I'll jump in with my regards for Sportsmobile the company and Alan Feld, the businessman.

About eight or nine years ago I happened to be in the neighborhood and just dropped by the factory hoping to get a glimpse of one of the vehicles in the parking lot. I was greeted like an old friend and invited to take a personal tour of the facility. I said I hated to take up anyone's time as I was not a qualified prospect and could not possibly afford to buy a truck. My escort insisted on showing me around and showing off the quality in everything they produce. Only later did I learn that my guide that day was Alan Feld, the owner of the company.

I will never forget how I was treated that day.


Supporting Sponsor
Maybe the only way Alan can sleep at night is knowing that all potential customers were treated properly & given all of the correct information on his product. And, there's no one else to blame if the sales stop!!!!


Expedition Leader
In my buisness I am very hands on with my guests. Despite the fact my company services about 25,000 people per year, I would guess that I intereact with close to half of them personally. I go out of my way to not let people know I am the owner. Not because I am not proud of what I do, but because I think I am more effective operating as an "employee".

Yes I do worry about my buisness as I am sure he is too. This is because I am aware of the fact we are only on the edge of the storm. However I think my buisness will survive better with me in the floor rather then in the back of he house. I prefer to let book keepers do book keeping etc. Yes I am involved in the planning and overall direction but working with guests is why I got into the buisness.


2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
Wow, have any of you guys ever run a real business? He has fixed costs and probably debt and like everyone he doesn't know when the economy will turn around. There's plenty of good companies in his business who have gone out of business. My post had nothing to do with your good feelings about sportsmobile.
I hope when they're busy a salesman is the primary contact. At that time the owner is probably working a 10 hour day and needing to work 15 hours.

I was a Tobacconist with 2 stores and I spent lots of quality time with my customers even though most never knew I was the owner. To be successful you have to know your market, how better to do that than to spend time with the enduser?
Todays auto market is an example of an industry that hasn't stayed in touch with the consumer.
How many top execs actually use their own products? Airline execs that fly coach and sit in airports waiting?

A wise man hires good people who are good at what they do instead of trying to do it all himself. Alan's wife & son work there also, is that bad?
Jonathan his son is a great salesman and Alan takes pride in listening to peoples thoughts and concerns as they look at spending $100k, that way he knows where to place his energy.

Dzzz I would have to ask you what YOU know about running a biz, sure you can toss out some big works about debt and working long hours. But unless you can prove that your way of doing things as far as custom vehicle building is better than I suggest to watch and learn from someone who is as successful and well liked as Alan.
This thread alone should tell you he is doing it right.


Two years ago my wife and I stopped by SMB in Fresno. We were thinking about ordering one in a few years so we wanted to check out thier facility. We were greeted in the lobby by the receptionist who called someone in to give us a tour and answer any questions that we might have. It was Alan that gave us a tour and answered our questions and was very nice and very knowledgable about their product. I had no idea that he was the owner. Good experience.


Ok I just feel compelled to say this little bit.

It's the culture of the Fresno Sportsmobile shop to engage, learn and satisfy.

I especially like he fact it includes the owner.

I could go on about the way it is run and the items I might think need to be changed....but that would be my opinion and one of many I'm sure. So instead I will just consider the source of the bold one line comment (Dzzzz) and end here.

PS. Yes, besides owning one or two I've spent 30+ years performing 360 degree evaluations of many....some of the largest in the country.

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