KELLY KETTLE...any users here?

Christophe Noel

Expedition Leader
Santa brought an unexpected gift in the form of the large volume Kelly Kettle. Aside from the review I read in Overland Journal, I had never even heard of a Kelly Kettle.

Anyone use one? Any tips? Does the cookset really work when pirched atop the kettle?


Supporting Sponsor - Sierra Expeditions
I know Graham and Connie use theirs often. Infact at every camp I have ever been with them it has come out of one of the Land Rover's. Hopefully they will post up.

In playing with Graham's it works very well. What a cool gift!

Christophe Noel

Expedition Leader
flyingwil said:
What a cool gift!
I thought so. Good old dad! I know my way around a backpacking stove, but this is a real departure. Makes me want to stop mid day for a proper cup of tea.:ylsmoke:


Expedition Leader
there are couple threads floating around here here about the kelly kettle you may find usefull.

also i would expect a kelly kettle to come out of a rover, i mean its the perfect accompaniment to an english rig.


Expedition Leader
I have used mine a lot. If you don't count the time it takes to gather fuel, it is really fast. Pine needles and cones work well.


Day walker, Overland Certified OC0013
As Wil said we use ours at every camp, in the morning for coffee, the afternoon for tea and on cold nights for filling my hot water bottle. The best advice I can give is to be careful when removing it from the base, since your hand is directly over the "volcano" it can get a bit toasty (you can ask Graham about that). Loop the cork and chain over where the handle attaches to the kettle to keep it off of the ground while heating. And the chain is a great way to tip the kettle for pouring.

Even in the middle of the Sahara desert we found enough fuel for boiling water. I am also told that you can use diesel soaked sand in the bottom. We have never tried the cookset.


The Kettle itself is awesome. As already stated, we use ours a lot. Good for burning trash and warming the fingers on a cold morning as you wait for coffee. Never had a problem finding fuel, including in the deep desert. Never used the cook set. I suspect that it is just like a small BBQ. It doesn't take advantage of the chimney effect that makes the kettle so efficient.

Very cool gift. If you decide you don't want it, I could use a spare . . .:snorkel:



El Gringo Spectacular!
Every time I camp with Graham and Connie...I use their Kelly Kettle....:elkgrin:

...but Santa was good to me this year...I now have one of my own!



We ran into a guy from Africa using one out in the bush in Alaska. Since he was the only person we had seen for 5 days, we chatted for a little while. He swore by his Thermette (copper Kelly Kettle). I have looked at buying one several times, but every time I go to pull the trigger, the wife crack down on the spending. Some day I too will be like all the cool people.


I love my copper Thermette. It will boil 1/2 gal water in 7 minutes. Too cool. And to see the flames shooting out the top after dark is also cool.


taugust said:
I love my copper Thermette. It will boil 1/2 gal water in 7 minutes. Too cool. And to see the flames shooting out the top after dark is also cool.
Did you buy it from A few months ago when I went to order one, they were all out. Any taste issues with the copper? Leaks?


I got mine late last spring from Thermette. No leaks whatsoever. To be honest, I have only used it for heating water for washing (dishes and me), so taste has not been an issue. I don't think it would be. Their website has a link to the benefits of copper for water containment that is interesting. Also, the Thermette has no bail, just a wire handle on the side, so no issues with lifting the bail and your hand going into the flame path.:campfire:


Day walker, Overland Certified OC0013
Beowulf said:
Graham and Connie,

Which of the three sizes would you recommend?

Sorry not to get back to you on this sooner, but we have been out of the country. :sombrero:

We have the large (2 litre) one. I like it because it makes enough to fill my hot water bottle, but it is bulky and may be more than everybody needs.

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