My turn ...


This has been a long time coming for me, but finally taking my turn down the Panamerican. I started thinking of doing this around 8-9 years ago. Needed to get life in order first (kids on their way in life and retire). With those two items under my belt and the blessing from my wife to disappear for a year, I'm about a week away from heading south in my 2005 Sportsmobile van that I've owned since 2006.

As a way for friends and family to follow along and also to give a little something back for all the blogs I have followed (and been inspired by), I'll do my best to keep a blog going at

I will be traveling solo for the most part. Unfortunately, this just isn't my wife's idea of a good time but she will visit me a couple places along the way. Some friends have also said they will visit. I'm delighted that a good friend will start out with me for the first 2 weeks in Baja and already have plans to meet my brother near Puerto Vallarta.

Hope to make many new friends along the way, experience new cultures, and enjoy the great outdoors (and hope my van makes it there and back!)!


Yes, good luck and congratulations. I will be hopefully be following you in another year and a half.
Just returned from Baja. You will love it there. Go to Agua Verde and relax for a bit.


I guess I did a terrible job at updating here, but I did keep my blog updated at

Like so many others, COVID stopped me in my tracks. Lucky for me that was on the shores of Lake Atitlán, Guatemala. After nearly 6 weeks there it became evident that continuing south anytime soon was not in the cards so I made a dash back home to ride this out. Current thinking is to restart by shipping direct to Columbia and focus on South America. I hate to miss the rest of Central America, but theoretically there will be time for that at a later time.

The van did great (6.0 PSD and all). After seeing so many other types of vehicles doing this type of travel I'm convinced my van is right for me. Small enough and well equipped enough to get into some pretty remote spots but big enough to be comfortable in. The only thing I learned about the 6.0 PSD is it absolutely hates day after day of accelerate / brake - accelerate / brake - accelerate / brake ...... After days or weeks of that type of travel it really likes (and needs) a good leg stretch to blow the gunk out and breath well again. Then it runs as strong as ever.

I learned I love a nomadic life waking up in a different place most days and actually enjoyed traveling solo. I made plenty of friends along the way but could go anywhere or do anything I wanted without considering anyone else's wants and desires. I can count on one hand the number of times I actually felt lonely and considering that was a concern of mine, I'm pretty happy with the reality that happened.

It is now time to focus on a few van changes and maintenance, home projects, some travel around the states (when it is more practical) with my wife and wait patiently to restart.

A few random photos from the trip....

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