PoshLanding - Touring UK in (C) Class - (pics heavy!)

Christian P.

Expedition Leader
Staff member
After a great time in Edinburgh, we decided to go back to Glencoe for some more hiking! It was quite of a strange decision to back track but that area is so beautiful that it deserved a second look.

On the way there, we came across this little shop that specializes in a very familiar vehicle...prices are lower compare to the US, but still more expensive than I had imagined compare to other 4x4 models available in UK.




Somehow Persephone was fascinated by the massacre that took places in this beautiful valley.






Another nice Defender for sale - did not get to see the price


Christian P.

Expedition Leader
Staff member
From there, we headed back south - next stop Liverpool. We both did not really not what to expect but got pleasantly surprised by the city.

My first live cricket game.


The gigantic Anglican cathedral in Liverpool. Apparently the largest in UK and 5th in the world. I tend to believe it.
Well worth a visit.



The waterfront/old docks area has gone through an extensive rehabilitation.


Apparently the forgot to take this boat out.


Unfortunately a plane crashed in the water during our visit but the rescue team was quick to save all the passengers.



We couldn't leave without a last drink on the most famous - if very touristy - street of the city.



Glencoe is somewhere we are going to visit again.... Where's your next stop, as you are heading closer to us??

Christian P.

Expedition Leader
Staff member
Okay - it's finally time to "resuscitate" this thread....we are heading back to London on July 11th to get our car and tour more of Europe! We will be staying at our friend's house near London from July 21th to July 26th so if anyone is in the area, let us know!

Christian P.

Expedition Leader
Staff member
So the initial route is starting to take shape...the plan is to spend the next 2 months exploring Europe.

We will arrive in London on the 12th just in time to hit the Goodwood Festival of Speed then we will drive to Fishguard to catch the ferry to Ireland on the 14th.

We are heading back from Dublin to Holyhead on the 19th to head over to Stratford-upon-Avon for a private party on a friend's farm. Then back to London until around the 25th, then crossing over to the continent (not sure which route yet) and driving over to Prague to meet up with old friends around August 3rd. This is pretty much as far as the planning goes, I like to leave things open to enjoy surprises along the way...


Packing right now and getting really excited!

Christian P.

Expedition Leader
Staff member
well everyone, the verdict is that Europe is way too much fun to have any free time left to post pictures on this forum....

We've traveled through England, Ireland, France, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Slovenia, Poland, Czech Republic and we are now in Venice, Italy...this place is phenomenal. I was curious as to how it's been built, and found this great video:


it's been one of the best summers ever. We are now heading back toward Paris this week so the Benz can be taken back to London with our friend and we will make one last stop at the 4x4 show in Valloire...
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