Shot my chicken

Michael Slade

I'm no Joel Sartoe, and I'm not shooting endangered species, but I have wanted to photograph my chickens for some time.

I got some new 4x5 film I hadn't tried before, so I thought tonight would be a good night to set everything up.

Unfortunately it is raining hard this afternoon and despite our best efforts with the hair-dryer, the chicken is still pretty wet. Should have used a feather dryer I guess.

Anyway, here's a shot testing the light and exposure.



Great picture. I gave my kids the choice this spring to get Honey bees or Chickens....I guess they didn't think bees would make great pets so they chose chickens. We're having a great time watching these little buggers grow. I'll whip out my new camera tonight and shoot a few fowl shots.


Automotive ADHD is fun!
What kind of glue did you use to hold him to that stool? :coffeedrink:

But seriously, great shot - makes every pic I've taken of my dog look mundane.


Photographer in the Wild
ok I had a smart reply for the title but since the image is this good, I will refrain - for now

Great image Michael what was your lighting?


Wow, that is a beautiful shot of what is usually a particularly ugly animal.

I shot my chicken too. :D

Of course there was a good reason. He did this to my son.

We have kept chickens for a long time but this particular rooster had got out of control. He would attack anything for any reason. With a lot of grand kids running around we figured it was time to let him take a trip to chicken heaven...or maybe hell.


You must have glued that chicken to the chair. I could not get any of my 4 chicks to sit still long enough for a good pose. Here's "Sunshine"


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Michael Slade

ok I had a smart reply for the title but since the image is this good, I will refrain - for now

Great image Michael what was your lighting?

Smart replies always appreciated...

The lighting was a 3x4 softbox directly overhead with a big 4x6 reflector angled up from the ground.

If you look in the hen's eye you can see the light.


Any aggressive rooster is as good as dead. Your solution should be everyone's solution. It is our solution on the farm too. Sorry to see your grandson all cut up. What a bummer.


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I was glad it didn't get his eye. I think if it would have done permanent damage it might have had a very slow uncomfortable death.

Where did you take that? It almost looks like a cement basement or something.


Thanks for rubbing it in. Yes, it is in my unfinished'studio'.

I thought the cement backdrop was on purpose. I know I'll never get this whole taking pictures thing.

I already told my kids not to get too attached to any of the chicks just in case any of them turned out to be a rooster. They know we will be having chicken for dinner if my girls turn out to be boys.


Photographer in the Wild
Well Michael I WAS going to say better to shoot your chicken than choke the chicken lol

I hate roosters anyways. When i was a kid my mom bought this dang rooster that would crow at 3am every morning. Now to fully appreciate this story you have to understand that it was my 8th grade year and we lived in a small single wide. my gramps had given me a small 12 travel trailer to sleep in since the main was smaller than our 4 person family. I also raised a steer in a pen about 10 ft from my trailer. That dang rooster would crow on the fence post next to my trailer. I am sure you get the picture. Anyways one morning while mom had gone off to town my dad comes out "where is your BB gun?" 10 pumps and POW that chicken goes to floppin around and doing things that only the possessed could do. into the steer pen he goes and that steer had to have felt it time to get even. He went over and stood on that floppin chickens head for 3-4 minutes until that rooster stopped moving. My mother never knew what happened to her beloved rooster until I was 28 years old, and my dad and I still laugh our butts off at that steer jumpin on the roosters head and waiting for it to stop floppin around.

Sorry to see the kid get scratched up, we never had any aggressive chickens but gramps had a pair of wild turkeys that would sit on his roof and wait for people to come out the door. The first time they jump and gramps we had one heck of a saturday meal.

Michael Slade

I hate roosters anyways. When i was a kid my mom bought this dang rooster that would crow at 3am every morning. Now to fully appreciate this story you have to understand that it was my 8th grade year and we lived in a small single wide. my gramps had given me a small 12 travel trailer to sleep in since the main was smaller than our 4 person family. I also raised a steer in a pen about 10 ft from my trailer. That dang rooster would crow on the fence post next to my trailer. I am sure you get the picture. Anyways one morning while mom had gone off to town my dad comes out "where is your BB gun?" 10 pumps and POW that chicken goes to floppin around and doing things that only the possessed could do. into the steer pen he goes and that steer had to have felt it time to get even. He went over and stood on that floppin chickens head for 3-4 minutes until that rooster stopped moving. My mother never knew what happened to her beloved rooster until I was 28 years old, and my dad and I still laugh our butts off at that steer jumpin on the roosters head and waiting for it to stop floppin around.

THAT is a funny story!

Scenic WonderRunner

Great shot MS!

Hey DrMoab,

Way too bad about your son! Now we need to see a....

"I ate my chicken"....! Shot!....:sombrero::costumed-smiley-007:ylsmoke:


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