Tell us about your disablity & rig


First name:Adam

Location: Western North Carolina

Type of mobility issue & how it effects you in the outdoors: I have been a below knee amputee for 21 years. I am a very short below the knee so keeping my balance is always an issue on uneven terrain. I also have Crohns and an irregular heart beat that is medicinally managed, but when I am in rythym I feel whole again and walk without feeling extremely tired

I have always just pushed myself and never thought about stopping. I like it when people dont notice I am amputee until I tell them.

Vehicle :1986 Toyota Landcruiser, sliders, front ARB, rear with spare and ladder, Dual optima's, IPF headlights, hella offroad lights, and so much more. It is always a work in progress.

Tell us about some of your adventures: Mostly camping and some light hiking with my wife and 2 daughters. We moved into the area about 2 years ago and have just recently started doing some small hikes into the national forest. I am within 30 minutes of Great Smoky Mountain National Park, Nantahala National Forest, and Pisgah National Forest.

Mine is the blue fj60



Thanks for the welcome guys. If anyone is in the area feel free to contact me as there are some really cool places to see around here.


I don’t know why I haven’t contributed to this tread yet. I saw it a while back and planned to do a write up. I guess my excuse is I did get around to it (lame).

First off my name is Jerry (aka 1Leg)

I lost my Left leg above the knee due to cancer about 20 years ago, wow has it really been that long, Half my life. Ouch that hurt. I’m getting OLD!
It’s funny. When I was younger losing my leg never bothered me. I did whatever I wanted nothing could stop me, not even my Mom when I brought home a Quad. That was a bad idea. As I get old it’s getting more difficult. Not only getting around, but dealing with all the day to day stuff. Enough of the sad boring stuff.

I bought my second jeep in 2007, I bought one 10 years ago to replace the quad I crashed, but had to sell it a year later to buy my first house.

So I have a 2007 2door Jeep wrangler. So far it has worked great off-road, On road performance is the trade off. No mods other then bigger tires and a small lift I installed myself. I sleep in a tent –cot when camping. I love my tent –cot….

I’m a HAM (licensed technician amateur radio operator W6GWC) and have several radios in my mobile ham shack. I also have a 20ft antenna that is deployed at my remote radio stations.

I spend about 90% of my time exploring at Anza Borrego State Park in southern California. And if the economy doesn’t turn around soon it might be full time. Hmmm!, stop thinking about it!. ABSP offers everything a desert explorer needs. However I dream of moving to Arizona and building a summer trailer pad in central Nevada. Dirt roads are my favorite. I love to look out my windshield too see a lone dirt road wind through a long deep valley into to a distant snow capped mount range. I’ll leave the crazy rock crawling to weezerbot.
My future plan is to build a off-road teardrop trailer.
I will try and add some links to the post soon. My expo build tread.
If anyone need a friend in socal to go exploring with. Just PM me. I need a least a weeks’ notice. I'm married with children. :victory::victory::victory:


2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
Jerry...glad to see you in this thread! As a below the knee amputee I have a ton of respect for you above the knee dudes, that is way more work!

I dig your sleep in jeep setup and the tent cot...I am looking foward to running some trails together very soon my friend!


Welcome Jerry! There is nothing like a lone road out in the desert for Mrs. Rupe and I. Where you can see for miles all around you and not see a man made object except the lone road. That is what life is all about for us!



New member
hi from Spain

Your first name:

Your location:
Southern SPAIN

Type of mobility issue & how it effects you in the outdoors:
Paraplegic, broke my C7 and T2 vertebrae, in car accident –yes, I was driving, but not my fault – 23 years ago. I use a wheelchair full time

Types of modifications you have done to adapt:
Hand controls (obviously!)

Your vehicle (locker, sliders, cb, ham radio, navigation setup, fridge, anything you can think of)

Jeep WJ 4.7L with OME suspension, dual tanks, sliders, Light Forces, sand ladders, exhaust jack, 2m fm radio, Navigation PC with GPS

Tell us about some of your adventures:
Messing around off road whenever possible and a couple of yearly trips to the Sahara Desert in Morocco (Africa is a 2 hour drive/ferry trip from where I live!)

And lastly please let us know if you would be open to helping others in your area. Either as a driver for Ride-Alongs (so other disabled folks can see they do it too), allowing others to look over your rig, joining in on our Guided Trips.
I will help anyone, anytime, anywhere I can. I know most of the wheelchair friendly “hotels” in northern Morocco including some in the deepest desert where a wheelchair will be ok. (bring chubby tires!) .


New member
Name: Mike

Location: Vancouver, British Columbia

Mobility Issue: Left BK amputee of nearly three years, range of motion issues with left knee, some issues with my right foot. None of the above have stopped my outdoor pursuits, I just have to do some things a little differently, the days of hiking for miles are gone.

Vehicle: 2003 Dodge Ram 3500 diesel with manual transmission. Additions to the truck include a Buckstop Bumper, receiver mounted 12000 lb winch, aftermarket lighting, levelling kit, air bags and exhaust brake. I have a locally built pop-up camper, wife likes the furnace and sink, but I usually just tent it when going solo.

I am an avid hunter and fly fisher and enjoy the outdoors. Like to go to places that are hard to get into so I can get away from the crowds.

I am a registered peer visitor with the Amputee Coalition of Canada and am more than willing to help out where and when I can.


2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
Your first name:

Your location:
Southern SPAIN

Type of mobility issue & how it effects you in the outdoors:
Paraplegic, broke my C7 and T2 vertebrae, in car accident –yes, I was driving, but not my fault – 23 years ago. I use a wheelchair full time

Types of modifications you have done to adapt:
Hand controls (obviously!)

Your vehicle (locker, sliders, cb, ham radio, navigation setup, fridge, anything you can think of)

Jeep WJ 4.7L with OME suspension, dual tanks, sliders, Light Forces, sand ladders, exhaust jack, 2m fm radio, Navigation PC with GPS

Tell us about some of your adventures:
Messing around off road whenever possible and a couple of yearly trips to the Sahara Desert in Morocco (Africa is a 2 hour drive/ferry trip from where I live!)

And lastly please let us know if you would be open to helping others in your area. Either as a driver for Ride-Alongs (so other disabled folks can see they do it too), allowing others to look over your rig, joining in on our Guided Trips.
I will help anyone, anytime, anywhere I can. I know most of the wheelchair friendly “hotels” in northern Morocco including some in the deepest desert where a wheelchair will be ok. (bring chubby tires!) .

Hola David!
Crazy cool to hear from Iberia :) Sorry I missed seeing your post for so long but is sounds like you are well setup.

I think there seriously needs to be a Disabled Explorers gathering in North Africa, especially since you have the inside track.

I hope to get back to the big offroad show in Germany next summer and if so it would be great to meet up there or somewhere.

Post up your trips and some pics.


2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
Name: Mike

Location: Vancouver, British Columbia

Mobility Issue: Left BK amputee of nearly three years, range of motion issues with left knee, some issues with my right foot. None of the above have stopped my outdoor pursuits, I just have to do some things a little differently, the days of hiking for miles are gone.

Vehicle: 2003 Dodge Ram 3500 diesel with manual transmission. Additions to the truck include a Buckstop Bumper, receiver mounted 12000 lb winch, aftermarket lighting, levelling kit, air bags and exhaust brake. I have a locally built pop-up camper, wife likes the furnace and sink, but I usually just tent it when going solo.

I am an avid hunter and fly fisher and enjoy the outdoors. Like to go to places that are hard to get into so I can get away from the crowds.

I am a registered peer visitor with the Amputee Coalition of Canada and am more than willing to help out where and when I can.

Left BK who drives a stick shift, very cool.
I used to drive a little MGB with a man trans as a left below knee amputee and that was work, I can't imagine what it's like offroad.

Post up some pics of your rig & trips so we can express our envey :)

Good to hear you are with the Amp Coal of Can, good people.

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