The Grand Adventure - Back to Africa!!!

Christian P.

Expedition Leader
Staff member
It's time to make the announcement and reveal the Grand Plan....

I am heading back to Cape Town next Monday (May 18th) for another segment of our journey around the world.

The first phase should take us from South Africa to Kenya, going through Namibia, Botswana, Zambia/Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Malawi and Tanzania.

The second phase (to be reassessed once in Kenya) would take us through Rwanda/Burundi, down to Zambia and across to the West Coast (Congo, Cameroon, etc) to finally reach Dakar.

But as anyone who's been to Africa know, you need to be able to change your plan any nothing is set, we'll see how things are going along the way. Life is full of surprises.

My friend Marc is going to join me this time as Persephone needs to finish her grad school.

You will be able to follow our adventures on this website - and don't forget to subscribe!!!:

Watch this thread for updates, pictures etc.

Also, if anyone has inputs on places to see, friends, stuff I should/should not bring and even want to participate in any way, just let me know!


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Expedition Leader
Great Trip!

The South Africa to Kenya part is a piece of cake. Cameroon to Senegal ain't bad. The middle? Eh, well there are a few places I would avoid. :) The East/West crossing is a serious, serious problem these days.

I like your route - South Africa is a good place to prep the truck, Kenya is a good place to fix everything that broke before the hard parts. Then your next big overhaul point is Douala. With a Toyota you risk to be able to find most of what you need.

Just what I need - another expedition to follow! This really gets in the way of my day job!
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Aah, it's out of the bag at last. Been battling to keep the secret. :sombrero:
Let me know which venue you decided on for the vehicle preparation.


Expedition Leader
I don't know whether there are any gorillas left in Rwanda but one of the highlights of my holiday in the area was tracking them in the jungle in the vicinity of where Dian Fossey worked. At the time (several days before everything exploded back in 1994) the park pass lasted a week so we stayed around and hiked up one of the volcanos to the Congo border and drank vodka with the Congalese radio operators on the snowy summit. Take a compass so you know which way to go back down -- our mandatory guide wasn't much of one.

Punting around the Okavango delta in a dugout canoe was another highlight.

My most disappointing experience on so many levels was visiting a pygmy village in Uganda.

Darn. Now I want to go back! Have a great trip, anyway. :)

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Adventurer, Overland Certified OC0009
Sounds like a great trip, looking forward to following it.

Drive safe.



Christian make sure to bring some wet weather gear with you. The rain has been hitting us and the first big storm of the winter is arriving this weekend.
It's only the Cape (of Storms) that gets like this though so when you hit the road later you'll leave it all behind.

Christian P.

Expedition Leader
Staff member
Christian make sure to bring some wet weather gear with you. The rain has been hitting us and the first big storm of the winter is arriving this weekend.
It's only the Cape (of Storms) that gets like this though so when you hit the road later you'll leave it all behind.

thanks Spike - I have brought something. Let me know about the direction for the shop.

I am flying tomorrow morning, almost all ready. Should be in Cape Town Wednesday night.

Got a bit distracted today by the Bay to Breakers event...


it's on the site:



When you reach Kenya drop me a line. Have good contacts here to repair all that is Broken. Know some cool and cheap camp sites along the way. Hope to see you in a few months

Christian P.

Expedition Leader
Staff member
quick update...we are now in Cape Town, getting the truck ready.

so far everything is great, we visited all the 4x4 shop around, very cool stuff.

will have pictures later this week, we are hoping to leave for Namibia around next weekend.

Cape Town is awesome, we are having too much fun here.

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