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  1. 048642

    Photo Critiqing Thread

    Here is one more from Saturday, Same series of images, but I left the vehicle out and tried to frame it in thirds. Sent from somewhere on Earth.
  2. 048642

    Photo Critiqing Thread

    Thanks for the input, I've never tried doing composites in digital. Gives me something new to delve into.
  3. 048642

    Photo Critiqing Thread

    I was waiting for that comment, I was kind of limited with the lens, images were taken with a 100MM Macro, not my first choice, but other lens gave up the ghost and that is all I had left in the bag. So, I decided to shoot anyhow insteads of going home. Thanks for the input.
  4. 048642

    Land Cruiser Photos

    Sent from somewhere on Earth.
  5. 048642

    Photo Critiqing Thread

    Captured these images today, would love input on how to improve them. Sent from somewhere on Earth.
  6. 048642

    Photo Critiqing Thread

    Captured this image a while ago in the afternoon sun. Not really Expedition related, but still resulted in a nice cup of tea Sent from somewhere on Earth.
  7. 048642

    Artistic Shots- Well thought out, framed (positioned), artistic shots only please.

    Playing with Photo Grunge App and original: Photo taking in a cemetery in Manchester, NH Sent from somewhere on Earth.
  8. 048642

    Artistic Shots- Well thought out, framed (positioned), artistic shots only please.

    ....I have enough problems chasing rust on my rigs, sure would hate to have to worry about termites. Sent from somewhere on Earth.
  9. 048642

    Jerry Cans - Photos + Questions
  10. 048642

    Land Cruiser Photos

    Chilly morning for the Troopie.
  11. 048642

    Land Cruiser Photos

    dmc, the first photo in post 1256 is spectacular. Do you recall the settings you were using?
  12. 048642

    Dakar 2012

    Got to love the fact that the four leaf clover is the only part of that rig not burning in the picture.
  13. 048642

    MAN camper Truck - Spotted on Cape Cod, MA USA

    Seems like I was able to answer my own question.
  14. 048642

    MAN camper Truck - Spotted on Cape Cod, MA USA

    I crossed paths with MAN camper Truck this morning on Route 28 in Falmouth, MA on Cape Cod. It was white or off-white with French license plates. Any one know who it is? Have contact info for them?
  15. 048642

    Photo Critiqing Thread

    Was wandering around the other day and came across a flower farm.
  16. 048642

    Best road signs

    Came across this one in my files, average sign, but I enjoyed the editing.
  17. 048642

    The black and white thread (film or digital)

    An iPad image tweaked with a tilt shift app and the photoshop app.
  18. 048642

    The black and white thread (film or digital)

    Shell bed. An iphone image from Cape Cod
  19. 048642

    The black and white thread (film or digital)

    An iPhone image Converted to B&W in Photoshop App.
  20. 048642

    WTB Coffee Perkelator

    Coleman's Have not used either of them, but a quick search ought to find something easily. I used to use a similar perculator years ago, worked fine, made for a nice aroma as it brewed.