2004 Chevy Astro AWD "Astrid"


Well it looks like we can truly say we test our equipment to the extremes... Initially 4 rivets holding awning to the back-plate gave away, which was easily fixed for ~$2 - M6 bolts and nuts from Home Depot...

Next thing that happened - awning attachment bracket broke in half, literary... While driving on Saline Valley Road in Death Valley (rough road...)


For now it's fixed to the roof with zip-ties (#1 tool any overland should carry!!!) and will soon be soon replaced with a bracket that hopefully holds longer...


I don't think it's products problem, but problem how our awning is mounted - there is nothing that holds it in front portion of it and while driving on rough roads it shakes fair bit - thus braking parts here and there.... :( Options is to drill trough roof, which I don't want to do on our van. Will see how new bracket holds and go from there :)


Baja Ironman
Did you really expect a cheap piece of 1/8 inch thick by 3/4 inch wide mild steel, with no trianglulation, to hold up? It started vibrating, then work hardened and broke right where it should have.


Lol sorry to laugh at your misfortune but BajaSportsmobile is right on the money . I am all for cheap and dirty modifications but they have to work . When you first posted the awning pictures months ago someone should have piped up and suggest you reinforce those little brackets . Luckily the awning didn't actually fall off and break . Good luck with the rest of your travels I look forward to seeing some more pictures from your trip.


Lol sorry to laugh at your misfortune but BajaSportsmobile is right on the money . I am all for cheap and dirty modifications but they have to work . When you first posted the awning pictures months ago someone should have piped up and suggest you reinforce those little brackets . Luckily the awning didn't actually fall off and break . Good luck with the rest of your travels I look forward to seeing some more pictures from your trip.
Well, I wouldn't say it didn't work as we have traveled 10k miles so far, but the solution certainly had it's downfalls :)

As for the pictures, most (not all of them) get re-posted from Facebook, here: http://www.expeditionportal.com/forum/threads/131102-Two-Latvians-overlanding-south
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Loved reading through this thread and I really like how ur van is coming along. I thought about going with a van like this because we always used to use suburbans for our trips but ended up going with a 4Runner and a ground tent because we were tired of having to get out to change clothes and stuff. Nice thing about sleeping in the van/truck though is that we used to love how no matter how windy or stormy it was we never had to worry about a tent ripping or flapping all night and keeping us up. Can't wait to read more.


Loved reading through this thread and I really like how ur van is coming along. I thought about going with a van like this because we always used to use suburbans for our trips but ended up going with a 4Runner and a ground tent because we were tired of having to get out to change clothes and stuff. Nice thing about sleeping in the van/truck though is that we used to love how no matter how windy or stormy it was we never had to worry about a tent ripping or flapping all night and keeping us up. Can't wait to read more.

Thanks a lot.

Weather protection - wind/rain/snow/lots of rain etc. is amazing and one of the reasons why we choose to go with a van for our North/Central/South American trip. Other one is amount of space you get for storage that is nice to have when you are on a long term travel. I love 4runner's, but I am 6' 2" and there is no way me and my wife could comfortably sleep in it. On the other hand in van we have queen size bed with 4" mattress. :)

I think GTRV conversation of Astro van is about how perfect camper can be - you have a capable and proven 4x4 van (with a short wheelbase) + comforts of camper. Yes it might require little lift an a bit bigger tires, but that's just details :)

As for our van build - don't think there is going to be much happening, but you sure can follow our adventures here on ExPO or on our Facebook page (links in signature)


Love the Astro. I really need to do a thread for my van here. Quick question: When you installed the S10 springs did you remove the pinion shim?


Love the Astro. I really need to do a thread for my van here. Quick question: When you installed the S10 springs did you remove the pinion shim?

Yes, the pinion shim was removed and I have had no problems. As far as I know and have read, you might need pinion shim only if you use shackles for lift and don't swap out springs. Bottom line - swap springs and live happy :)


As much as I love Cooper Discoverer AT3 for what they are and how well they keep our van on road, non-LT tire sidewalls appear to be weaker than I expected. We had one set that we took trough all kind of sharp rock and it was holding up fine. I guess they just don't like Baja :)

I didn't wanted to buy LT tires as we are about 2000lb under payload limit on non-LT tires (basically we are light...) and from our experience with LT tires (not Cooper) ride is not as nice. Another thing might have backstabbed us, might be looking at LT tires in future... :(



My experience with these tires was dismal on the rocky roads in West Texas. I had them on the van for a very short time, pulled them and put on E rated BFGs. Van rides rougher but handles way better with the stiffer BFG. When I tore a sidewall on a brand new AT3 I was amazed how thin it was. It was a nice tire on the road and in soft stuff but didn't take much to get through the sidewalls.



Agree with Arlon, the durability outweighs any marginal decrease in ride comfort and I prefer the firmer feel as well, especially when loaded.


BFG might be ok tire, but I don't like them at all, especially how noisy they are. Recent tests have proven that they are outdated as well... Had suspicion about that...

AT3 have performed grate rock/tarmac/snow. Loved them in winter, but ... unfortunately sidewall does appear to be weak on non-LT tires, not sure about LT as I haven't owned one yet.

@Arlon, where your AT3 E-rated/LT tires?


We are starting to develop love/hate relationship with our Cooper Discoverer AT3 tires. We love how good they are in terms of control and performance, but we hate how easy it is to get puncture, including weak sidewalls (have a slow leak on one tire). This is second puncture on our trip, this time driving at around 5-10km/h (3-6mph)…



I had the same experience with the AT3's on my Landcruiser... Good grip in a lot of conditions and awesome grip in others, but simply too easy to puncture.

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