Monsoon Season in Arizona

Tucson T4R

Expedition Leader
Fangers, you know we are teasing you. Your photography is outstanding so we look for opportunities to jump on the few chances we get to pull your chain. :elkgrin:


Here are some more power line shots, these power the ever wasteful and traffic inhibiting Phoenix Metro, worst boondoggle since the Tempe Fake Lake.

Tucson T4R

Expedition Leader
Now on this one I have to say I like the gobblety gook in the background much more than than the subject power lines. :elkgrin:

Great light and nice capture.

Overland Hadley

on a journey
I like the way you captured those powerlines. The eye is drawn to the bright spot in the upper right, and then forced to follow the lines down and out the other side...then the eye goes back to the upper right. Also, nice use of the "thirds" principal. You really nailed this one. :elkgrin:

Yes, I agree.

Chazz Layne

Quick question for the lightning experts: are you using some sort of automatic shutter release, or just good ole-fashion timing & patience?

Once upon a time Canon point-and-shoots were quick enough for me to run manually, but I just can't seem to get it firing off fast enough on my latest (SD940). If this keeps up I might just have to give up waiting on Canon to answer the Micro 4/3rds challenge and grab an Olympus. :(


Expedition Leader
Brad (Tuscan4R) has been getting some great lightning shots by using a 15 sec exposure, f8 iso 100. He is using a remote shutter release to prevent shake and to be able to kick and enjoy a beer at the same time (I made up the last part but $5 says I'm right:elkgrin:)


Expedition Poseur
He is using a remote shutter release to prevent shake and to be able to kick and enjoy a beer at the same time (I made up the last part but $5 says I'm right:elkgrin:)

Actually, I think he has admitted to that already . . .

Tucson T4R

Expedition Leader
A few more from Mt Bigelow during this past weekend's storms.





This is a tree that was struck by lightning about 50 yards from my campsite while I was sitting on my front porch watching the storm. A little too close for Roxy and me! :Wow1:

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Tucson T4R

Expedition Leader
Brad (Tuscan4R) has been getting some great lightning shots by using a 15 sec exposure, f8 iso 100. He is using a remote shutter release to prevent shake and to be able to kick and enjoy a beer at the same time (I made up the last part but $5 says I'm right:elkgrin:)

I was out of town for few days and just saw this. Yep, you are correct on the settings I used for the last few lightning captures. Once set up and focused it's a piece-o-cake as long as you have an active storm willing to participate.

There is definitely and adult beverage of choice involved in the process. Makers Mark in my case. :sombrero:

Brian McVickers

Staff member
In Phoenix,
We had 4-6 inches of water rushing down our street the other day during a storm.

Two hours later the streets wer dry!

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