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  1. fangars

    Panoramic Shots

    One of the places I still regret missing shots of was south of Hovenweep National Monument, there was a hill we crested upon which you could see all the land marks of that area against the late afternoon skies. You could see Bear Ears, the Abajo Mountain, Monument Valley, Sleeping Ute, Shiprock...
  2. fangars

    Panoramic Shots

    I am going to play guess where on xjblue's 2nd and 3rd images. 2nd I am going to guess somewhere close to the cave tower ruins, its a guess I am basing on thinking the mountain in the background is the Sleeping Ute. 3rd is the Bear Ears? Another from the Apache Trail. View Large On Black
  3. fangars

    Panoramic Shots

    Along the Apache Trail over Fish Creek Canyon. Short drive out there if you dont stop a hundred times. If I had stopped as much as I had wanted to I never would have made it to this point for this, the last light of the day.
  4. fangars

    Panoramic Shots

    View Large On Black
  5. fangars

    Upcoming Photo Show in AZ

    Shows how well I read things, good to know its up, I will stop by.
  6. fangars

    Panoramic Shots

    Fixed it. I think images lose depth if you saturate that which is far away every bit as much as whats up close.
  7. fangars

    Upcoming Photo Show in AZ

    Wish I had been paying more attention to the boards, would have gone down and had a look.
  8. fangars

    Panoramic Shots

    I would not say that. Biggest difference between yours and mine as I see it is exposure. Mine tend to be under exposed and yours over exposed. Under exposing can make the colors seem richer, but much is lost in the shadows. Over exposing often bleaches out the colors. It should be noted that...
  9. fangars

    Monsoon Season in Arizona

    Along the Apache Trail. Monsoon clouds die down as we drove out east, all the real action was happening in the west valley.
  10. fangars

    question about a montero sport

    Sweet Xterra btw, Nissan and Mitsubishi in my Driveway as well.
  11. fangars

    Cypher's Frontier

    Are jeep drivers actually allowed to even talk about drag? ;P
  12. fangars

    Cypher's Frontier

    Lights on the light bar are Hella FF75 knock offs made by PilotAutomotive. Frontier rack is awaiting mounting system check, talking to local frontier owners now. One with a OEM rack and one without.
  13. fangars

    Arizona Montero club

    Bummer, even if I had seen this on time I was just too busy today. I will have to keep an eye out for the next one.
  14. fangars

    Ridgeline as ExPo vehicle?

    Yes thats the Sierra Expedition's Tacoma. The RL driver just took a bad line through the water, if he had come up stream a bit he might have had a fighting chance.
  15. fangars

    Ridgeline as ExPo vehicle?

    These two images sum up all I know about Ridgelines. Stuck Toyota with a winch to the rescue. There were 30 nissans there and not one winch.
  16. fangars

    Nissan Revisions for 2011 Announced

    Makes you wonder what kind of focus groups Nissan listens to.
  17. fangars

    goneMOAB9 - Pictures

    Thanks MisterTinkle, photo needed a slight repair so the link was changed. Latest upload.